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Results 71-80 from 137 articles

Help Talking to Daughter About Loss of Dog After Dog Bite ;-(

A.G. asks from Madison

Hello all! I need some support and advise! Our 2 1/2 year old daughter was bitten very badly in the neck by our family dog; it was the second bite in the last 3 mon...


Potty Training

S.L. asks from Tallahassee

My grandaughter is going to be 4 yrs. old the end of April, she has no problem peeing in the big potty , however she refuses to go poop in it, she soils her panties. ...


Picking a Public School

S.H. asks from Huntsville

My daughter is 4, and will be starting Kindergarten in August 2011 (so another year from now). We have already decided that we do NOT want her to go to school in our...


How Do I Say No

J.H. asks from Erie

Ok, so there aren't many small children in our neighborhood that are my son's age. However, I recently learned that a little boy lives across the street from us. We...


Fertility Specialist

S.W. asks from Dallas

Has anyone used Dr. Barnett in Plano? We have been going to Dr. Ly in Irving at Advanced Reproductive Clinic. I have had 3 IUIs and now Dr. Ly says because of my hi...


Today I Taped a Leaf

T.B. asks from Boise

Today I taped a leaf for my five year old. My 3 (tomorrow 4) year old son took a leaf my daughter recieved from church out of a little ziploc bag and accidentely tore...


Death of a Grandparent

G.P. asks from Las Vegas

I wanted to know if any of you have any advice about how to tell a toddler that his grandma has passed. My mom has Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She is still doing a...


My Cat Just Passed

G.B. asks from Portland

How can I tell my 4 yr old that his best friend just passed away?


What to Get for a Greiving Family

R.S. asks from Detroit

My Sister in law lost her mother on Christmas day. I want to send something different to her and her family for around $50.00 or less. Wondering what ideas you may h...


How Do I Comfort a Mom Who Just Miscarried?

N.G. asks from Omaha

Well my best friend called me up the other week to let me know she was 4 weeks pregnant(this is her first pregnancy). I was really excited and told her that I would b...

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Answer Highlights

  • hear about your friends loss in 2 answers "I'm so sorry to hear about your friends loss."
  • hear about your cat in 2 answers "Sorry to hear about your cat. It is hard to lose a pet."
  • cynthia rylant in 2 answers "I am so sorry for your family's loss. Cynthia Rylant has a lovely book called ""
  • omaha steaks in 2 answers "Another idea is... Sending a frozen meal from Omaha Steaks or a place like it."
  • send her some flowers in 2 answers "I would just send her some flowers or a plant and tell her you love her and are happy ..."