breastfeeding toddler

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Breastfeeding a Toddler

A.C. asks from Kansas City

I'm looking for stories from other moms who have nursed toddlers. My son is 15 months and shows no signs of wanting to wean. He is very much a "mama's boy", which is ...


What Do You Do with Your Toddler with the Baby Is Breastfeeding?

N.H. asks from Detroit

What did you do with your toddler or older child when you breastfed? For those who have more than one child (baby #3 is due for me on Dec 11th) how did you make time...


Breastfeeding Help!!

C.C. asks from Orlando

Ok ladies I really need your help. I am pregnant with my second child and plan on breastfeeding. With the first one I didn't even attempt breastfeeding due to a big m...


When to Stop Breastfeeding?

K.R. asks from Sherman

My little one is about to be a year. i have completed my first breastfeeding goal, but i've read it can be beneficial to continue breastfeeding longer. i would love ...


Breastfeeding While Sick

G.S. asks from Dallas

Hi moms! I need your advice...I had a csection with my one month old and have been breastfeeding him exclusively. I haven't had much rest, especially with the infa...


Breastfeeding Diet

A.B. asks from Cincinnati

Does anyone know a good breastfeeding diet to make me lose my baby weight and also some good exercises that will workto get the flab away?


Breastfeeding a Toddler 2+

E.S. asks from Orlando

A little information: I am still breastfeeding my son who is 2yrs 3months. We co-sleep & I still breastfeed day & night, on demand - mainly to get him to sleep for n...


Ending Breastfeeding

Z.L. asks from Melbourne

Hi. Just wanted to hear if there are any suggestions on how to stop breastfeeding. I'm not in a rush, but am beginning to entertain the thought. I don't want it to be...


Breastfeeding and Jaundice

J.C. asks from Houston

My baby is a week old today and was "diagnosed" with jaundice on day 2. She stayed at the hospital until day 4. I breastfeed exclusively since birth. She was placed u...


What Happens After Breastfeeding??

J.H. asks from Oklahoma City

Im just wondering if any other breastfeeding mamas feel deflated after breastfeeding for a long time? Ive exclusively BF'd my daughter for 10 months and counting and ...

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Answer Highlights

  • local la leche league in 2 answers "I would recommend getting in touch with your local La Leche League You can go to ..."
  • le leche league in 2 answers "Have you considered contacting the Le Leche League?"
  • le leche league in 2 answers "I agree that Le leche league is a really great rescource I used a manual advent ..."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "I think it was La Leche? La Leche league ?? Something like that."
  • by jack newman in 2 answers "The Ultimate Breastfeeding Answer Book" by Jack Newman."