breastfeeding period

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Period After Breastfeeding?

A.L. asks from Portland

Hi ladies, I BF my baby until he was 7 months old. Now its been over 2 months and I still haven't had my first post-baby period. I took a pregnancy test and am not ...


When Did Your Period Start While Breastfeeding?

C.H. asks from Seattle

My daughter is 15 months old and I went off the mini-pill on Memorial Day. I have been breastfeeding my daughter from day one, but now she really only is breastfed f...


Missed Period While Breastfeeding

D.J. asks from Reading

Hi moms, I just had a baby at the end of August. I am still breastfeeding him 4 times a day and my period returned two months ago, when he was about 5 months old....


No Period After Stopping Breastfeeding

D.J. asks from Reading

Hi Moms! I just stopped breastfeeding my son about two weeks ago, on his first birthday. I had gotten my period pretty regularly since he was 4 months old, which is...


Trying to Conceive While Breastfeeding and No Return of Period

M.S. asks from New York

Hi ladies. I am breastfeeding and have not gotten my perioid yet. Our child is almost 1 year. (She both breastfeeds and eats solids.) We are trying for another bab...



E.M. asks from El Paso

Can i start breastfeeding after 3 months is the milk,bad,or i dont have any milk?


Can You Still Get Your Period If You Are Breastfeeding?

A.P. asks from Detroit

Hi, I am breastfeeding my almost 5 month old daughter. I didn't think you could get your period untill you stopped. I did get mine. Is that normal? Thanks for your help!



C.A. asks from Seattle

Hello, I am a mama to a 8 month old. She was breastfed until 5 months, and I am just curious how long it took to get your period back after quitting breastfeeding? im...


Period After Pregnancy

C.M. asks from Austin

Hello. I had a baby in February and am breastfeeding exclusively. I was just wondering if any of you got your period or got pregnant so soon after giving birth (whil...


How to Conceive While Breastfeeding & Menstrual Period Hasn't Returned

A.O. asks from San Diego

My 15 mth old is still breastfed 4 times a day in addition to her 3 regular solid meals. My menstrual period hasn't returned ever since I was pregnant with her. Do I ...

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