breastfeeding at 9 months

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Breastfeeding 9 Month Old--how Many Times a Day?

C.D. asks from Miami

Hi ladies! So I am still breastfeeding my 9 month old 4-5 times a day and am getting really tired. I would like to wean him soon (but not completely) and was just won...


Breastfeeding Twins

S.H. asks from Los Angeles

Does anyone have any experience with breastfeeding twins? I am considering breastfeeding and formula feeding my twins when they are born...maybe breastfeeding one at ...


9 Months Old Baby Refuse Use Bottle, What Should I Do?

E.P. asks from Boston

Hi, my 9 months old son who only like breastfeed and refuse to use bottle. I think my milk supply is not enough for him and I try to offer formula but he only takes ...


42 And over Breastfeeding

R.S. asks from Miami

Does anyone know someone 42 or over who is or was breastfeeding and got pregnant; and how did it go?


Caffeine When Breastfeeding

M.W. asks from Boise

What are other moms experiences/expertise about consumption of caffeine while breastfeeding? I was not a coffee drinker with my first three and so I'm wondering how m...


Breastfeeding and Vacation

M.K. asks from Omaha

I am going on a 4 day vacation and am still exclusively breastfeeding my 9 mo old. Any suggestions for leaving him or taking him? 4 days is a LONG time to pump. ...


Fertility and Breastfeeding

R.G. asks from Boston

Does anyone know what the chances are of conceiving while breastfeeding when menstruation has not yet returned? I've heard different things...


Overeating and Breastfeeding

E.A. asks from Seattle

I'm a breastfeeding mother and I am very very hungry most of the time. People told me the weight would just fly off if I were breastfeeding. Apparently it burns all ...


Breastfeeding & Pacifiers

J.B. asks from St. Louis

I am expecting in a few weeks and plan on breastfeeding. I'm curious to know what others think about the pacifier while breastfeeding. With my previous baby I breastf...


Breastfeeding While Pregnant

J.N. asks from Miami

Hi! My daughter is now 9 months old and I found out I was pregnant, again. I am still producing milk and slowly weening her.. she gets about half her milk from me and...

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