boys versus girl

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Results 121-130 from 1,104 articles

He Says No More, but I Still Want Another Baby.

B.M. asks from Dallas

Last night my husband and I were talking & he told me that he doesn't want to have any more children. He said that he was happy with having the boys & that he is SUR...


15 Weeks Fetal Heart Rate 134Bpm

S.W. asks from Seattle

Hello, I am currently 15 weeks pregnant, I just had my four month appointment today and we measured the babies heart rate at 134 beats per min. I know it is an ol...


Who Is Right?

D.A. asks from Los Angeles

My friend’s DS has become great friends with a little boy in his 1st grade class. This other boy is a trouble maker and always getting into trouble. 4 out of 5 ...


Teenage Girls13-14 Phone, Stuff Rules

R.P. asks from Los Angeles

Do any of you have daughters age13-14 on FaceTime, or all these apps all night long with their friends? 8th grade started and seemed a big change in teens time , invo...


Advice on Early Admission to Kindergarten

J.E. asks from Indianapolis

Hello moms! I am considering enrolling my daughter into kindergarten early. I am looking for feedback on pros and cons of this. She will miss the cut-off date in our ...


What Would You Do?

S.H. asks from New York

I want to start off by admitting to having a bit of OCD when it comes to cleanliness. That said I have a question. If someone you were very close to didn't wash their...


1 Year Old Refusing to Eat

C.Y. asks from San Francisco

Hi, my friend's 1 year old son has been refusing that eat very much for the past month. It seems that every meal is a delicate balance between a war versus blissful ...


How Do You Limit Your Children's "Screen Time"?

C.B. asks from Los Angeles

My kids are 8 and 6, and I wonder if I'm letting them spend too much time in front of a screen (either TV or computer monitor). They got a Wii for Christmas, and I l...


Need Help with Brushing Teeth!

E.R. asks from St. Louis

We have had a toothbrushing battle ever since my daughter has been around 14 months! I know...6 months later and I am just now reaching out here for help...but, its g...


Neocate or Nutramigen?

M.K. asks from Provo

My daughter has been exclusively breastfed for six months. However, I am 8 weeks pregnant again and I am having a hard time meeting her demands. I feed her five to si...

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