boy cut swim short

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Results 61-70 from 404 articles

My 5Yo Is Mean & Disrespectful to Me...

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

So, my daughter has picked up this behavior, which stems from a neighbor boy she LOVES to play with. For lack of a better term, he's a sh*t. He plays so agressively...


What Do I Do with My Kid All Day?

H.P. asks from Norfolk

Long story short, I'm an EMT who is used to running around answering 911 emergencies all day, newly moved to the area, pregnant with #2, and thrust into this whole ne...


Losing Patience with 2-Year Old

E.Y. asks from Modesto

Hi, I'm looking for tips on how to maintain my patience/composure with my 24-month old daughter. She's hit the terrible two's with a running start. She hasn't been s...


Need Advice

P.N. asks from Denver

First of all, thanks to any who can give some solid advice on this. I have 3 sisters and a mom who are all pretty close to one another. I would be considered the "bla...


Toddler and Baby with Opposite Naptimes--do You Ever Get Out of the House?

G.P. asks from Rochester

I am wondering how other Moms do it. My baby boy sleeps mid-morning and mid-afternoon while my 2 yr old takes a nap at noon. If I want to get out of the house, I hav...


Not in a Good Place Right Now : (

M.S. asks from Omaha

Hi Ladies, Do you ever feel like you are in a mental place where you can’t put your best foot forward, so you kind of hang back away from people and certain sit...


Second Child or Not?

J.S. asks from Jacksonville

My husband and I have been bouncing around whether or not to have another child. I know no one can tell me whether or not to have a second child. If it were you in ou...


A Stay at Home Mom of 2 , How Do You Make It Work?

P.B. asks from Seattle

I am blessed with 2 wonderful children, a 10 month old boy and 3 1/2 year old girl. I have been a SAHM since the birth of my daughter over 3 years ago. I chose to sta...


Need Advice About Staying Home Full Time

A.H. asks from Salt Lake City

Help, I just recently quit my full time job to stay at home. I have a two year old girl and a 6 month old boy. I feel like I am constantly running back and forth betw...


Bored 10-Year-old at Home for Summer

W.W. asks from Los Angeles

My 10-year-old has always been at the Y for the summer but this is the first summer that he's going to be home with no planned activities to keep him occupied. I do ...

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  • your local parks and recreation in 2 answers "You may also want to check your local Parks and Recreation for age appropriate activities ..."
  • by jane nelsen in 2 answers "... I'm reading and now putting into effect Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen ..."
  • games like go fish in 2 answers "... pretned, dress-up, and are starting to be able to do simple games like Go Fish ..."
  • take a deep breath in 3 answers "... and cry but it give you a moment to compose yourself and take a deep breath."
  • 1 2 3 magic in 2 answers "I highly recommend the 1-2-3 Magic system for removing the yelling/getting angry part ..."