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Results 31-40 from 496 articles

My 14 Year Old Daughter Has a 16 Year Old Boyfriend.

J.B. asks from Boston

I have a very mature and responsible freshman daughter who has been "dating" a 16 1/2 year old junior. She sees him at school and talks to him on the phone. I have ...


My Ex's Girlfriend Is Moving in with Him & Our 11 Yr Old. Need Advice Please!

D.B. asks from San Francisco

I asked my ex if i could meet her several times a few months ago when it became clear that she was already and was going to continue to be in my sons life a lot when ...


5 Year Old Demon Child

S.M. asks from Parkersburg

My son is 5 1/2, and recently (the past two months) has been acting out in a big way. Example - last week he took a toy away from his brother, who just turned 1, whi...


My Four Year Old Is All of the Sudden Very Emotional!

W.S. asks from Los Angeles

I am wondering if anyone has a different take on my situation. I have four children and my third child, my third daughter who is 4 years old has recently become very...


Advice on Child's Dental Needs

B.R. asks from Spokane

My 5 1/2 year old daughter just was told that she has 8 cavities that need to be filled soon. I have done everything in our power to prevent them (brushing, flossing,...


My Daughter's Written a Book....

S.C. asks from Chicago

Hello. I need some help. My 10-year old daughter has been obsessed with the Titanic since she was about 7. Not the Titanic movie, but the history of it all. She's ...


Cant Get My Son to Be Honest!!!

R.R. asks from Dallas

My 13 yr old son is constantly lieing about things. Even when its Sooooo obvious that he is lieing. For example last weekend he asked if he could go to the movies wit...


Question for Married Women Only

D.J. asks from Atlanta

Lately my housband has become controlling and I told him that I refuse to be in a controlling relationship. He says that he is not and to ask other married women. Tha...


Help Clingy Dad

C.M. asks from Chicago

My stepdaughter is 10 and she lives with us and spends every other weekend at her mom's house. Lately she's been invited to several birthday parties. The one party...



L.C. asks from Seattle

I need some support here! Does your child say words like, "I hate you!," or "You aren't my friend anymore," or "I'm gonna run away!" Well, both my girls have said...

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