bottle nipples for rice cereal

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Results 91-100 from 537 articles

Breast Pumps and Bottle Feeding

K.G. asks from Pocatello

Hi all, my 5 1/2 month old son is pretty much strictly breastfed, but on occasion we have left him with my mom and a bottle of formula to go on a date or something. W...


Infant Not Sleeping and Not Taking Bottle

E.M. asks from Columbus

Hi all, I have a new infant 6 weeks old who I have been trying to wean off the breast. I go back to work in a week and a half and he will be going to a sitters. He ...


4 Month Old Baby Won't Take Bottle

L.R. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! I have a 4 month old baby that will not take a bottle from me. If she even knows I am around she won't take the bottle from anyone. I have just started some ri...


Bottle Feeding Advice

L.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I have a 3 month old boy. we have been doing a combo breastfeeding/formula up until 2 months and a half... Now suddenly as I go back to work, he is refusing to ...


Messy Bottle Drinker!

T.S. asks from Grand Junction

My daughter is 7 weeks old and I am bottle feeding her pumped milk. She is a VERY messy eater! She goes through at least 2-3 bibs per day and usually soaks through th...


My Baby Is Not Interested in His Bottle.

S.G. asks from South Bend

Recently we started my 6 month old on solid foods. He eats very well and seems to enjoy anything we give him. The problem is that now my once very scheduled bottle ea...


Difficulty with Bottle Feeding

L.R. asks from Pocatello

I have a 5 week old infant who has gone through a number of formula changes over his short life, is on reflux meds and gas drops w/gripe water (all suggestions from m...


Breastfed Baby Won't Take the Bottle!

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 2 month old baby is doing well with breastfeeding and has been from the beginning. We started to introduce breast milk in a bottle to him at about 4 weeks in the h...


Breastfed Baby Refusing to Eat from a Bottle

O.C. asks from Corpus Christi

My baby will be three months old this week and she refuses to take a bottle. This is an issue since I have returned to work and she will not eat while I am gone (up t...


5 Month Old Refuses Bottle

L.M. asks from Dallas

My breastfed daughter will not take a bottle. I am leaving in 3 weeks for a 3 day conference! Currently she will take about 2-3 ounces from a bottle while I am at wor...

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Answer Highlights

  • research the effects of soy formula in 2 answers "... it's fairly rare) and go from there. Research the effects of soy formula ..."
  • la leche league in 3 answers "... different nipples etc but nothing worked The experts (La Leche league ..."
  • playtex drop ins in 2 answers "... son didn't take to the breastflow, but took right away to basic playtex drop-ins ..."
  • playtex drop ins in 2 answers "... is also brestfed and didn't like any we tried except the playtex drop ins."
  • used the breastflow bottles in 2 answers "I used the Breastflow bottles. Also, make sure it is someone beside yourslef giving ..."