boat bed for kid

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6 Year Old Still Wets the Bed Sometimes at Night

L.O. asks from Tulsa

I have a 6 year old who has been potty trained since 2 years and has never had a wetting accident during the day since then. The problem is she will wet the bed at ni...


10 Year Old Boy Still Wets the Bed

K.B. asks from Dallas

I am sure this has been addressed before, but I could not find it. I have a 10 year old boy that still wets the bed! It is such a problem, because he can not go to ca...


My 5 Year Old Is Still Wetting the Bed at Night Only

B.L. asks from Seattle

Seeking advice on bed wetting, my 5 year old is fully potty trained except at night, I use to have her in pull ups but she could never tell when she was wet so it wa...


My Kid Doesn’t like Me to Read Stories for Her

Y.C. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is one years old. I always told stories for her before and she seemed very excited. But now when i read a story to her, she doesn’t listen to me, or eve...


Help! I'm Breastfeeding and Can't Keep My Kid Happy!!

E.B. asks from Pocatello

I have a three month old son, who I am breastfeeding. He was born a month early, but is doing great for being early. The thing is, I'm pumping my milk for his feedi...


Debating on Buying a Crib for the Newborn or Moving Toddler into Big Girl Bed

J.L. asks from Scranton

In March my daughter will turn two, and we have a baby due in July. I am debating on what to do with the sleeping arrangements that will be the least costly and most...


How Do I Get My 4 1/2 Yr Old Son to Stop Peeing the Bed!!!

J.D. asks from Greenville

I am a SAHM. My son will be 5 in Oct. He is potty trained during day. When he takes naps he sometimes has an accident. But at night he pees the bed. I have resor...


Pacifier,Potty Training, Big Girl Bed Before the New arrival...where Do I Begin?

A.D. asks from Dallas

I have just received news that I will be the mother of a two year old and a newborn...a little bit of a shock, but trying hard to digest it all! My daughter will be t...


2.5 Yo Night Waking and Out of Twin Bed. Locks on Door Last Resort?

C.L. asks from Dallas

Mamas, Four weeks ago, my previously GREAT sleeping toddler woke SCREAMING and climbed out of her crib because there were shadows in her room. Every night since, sh...


Putting 3-Yr-old to Bed Without Bottle/sippy Cup?

J.J. asks from Tulsa

My son just turned 3, and we're still putting him to bed with a small bottle, and I hate that. I know at this point, it's more of a "safety" or "routine" thing for hi...

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