blue breastmilk

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6 Month Old Refusing to Eat

O.C. asks from Corpus Christi

My precious 6 month old daughter had been on solids for ~2 1/2 weeks (she gobbled food down!), when out of the blue she is refusing to eat anything solid, she will on...


Stomach Bug???

A.D. asks from Detroit

Lily (10 weeks old) has a stomach bug. She's not eating as much as normal and out of the blue she'll start to cry. Last night she bf & had a bottle (4 oz) at 9 pm, go...


Cure for Excessive Spit-up in Infant

H.H. asks from Chicago

I have a 4 month old baby boy who has been excessively spitting up his formula since he was 1 month old. His pediatrician has already changed his formula. He started ...


Getting BF Baby to Take Bottle

E.R. asks from Washington DC

We are having a very difficult time getting our baby, now 10 weeks, to take a bottle of expressed breastmilk. We first introduced the bottle at 4 weeks and she usuall...


Can I Use the Soy Formula and the Regular Formula

A.S. asks from Kansas City

Hi ~ My 9 month old weaned herself from nursing a few weeks ago following an ear infection, and although I've been pumping for her I'm finding it necessary to now sup...


Problems Weaning

J.G. asks from Columbus

Hi, Has anyone else ever had problems when they started weaning due to mastitis? I am currently on my 4th bout of mastitis. The last two times I tried weaning, thi...


Constipation in Two Year Old

B.R. asks from New York

Hi mamas! I'm having some issues with my two year old. The poor thing has had frequent constipation since I weaned her off breastmilk at 14 months. Sometimes she w...


I'm Exhausted!

J.W. asks from Pueblo

My son is 2 and 3 months. He has been a terrible sleeper from day one. He would nurse all night and never seem to get comfortable. I night weaned him 2 weeks ago. He ...


Seeking Advice: He Bit and I'm Now Bleeding!>!>!>!>!>!

T.F. asks from Dallas

Ok, so he's my second kid and still exclusively fed breastmilk(he gets 1 bottle a day of expressed milk while I'm at work, the rest of the time he's at the breast). ...


Non-itchy Eczema?

L.R. asks from Portland

My son has been having a rash lately that has all the symptoms of eczema except that it doesn't seem to itch. He never scratches it. It's been mostly on his face, but...

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