blighted ovum ultrasound

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Results 41-50 from 131 articles

No Baby, No Heartbeat--what Now??

K.H. asks from Columbus

I found out in early December that I was pregnant...had 3 positive HPTs and one blood test at the OBGYN's office that confirmed it. However, I went last Friday for m...


Miscarrying pleaSe Read...

A.S. asks from Reading

hello! I went in today for my ultrasound. I was told I was 6 weeks but there was no heart beat and all they could see was the sac and a small dot in it. I went right...


Miscarriage Question

B.C. asks from Mobile

As some of you might remember I posted a question about my pregnant sister (and alcohol). Well she went for her first "real visit" today and they couldnt find a heart...


Seeking Help in Early Pregnancy Issues

A.E. asks from Memphis

I am pregnant with our second child. The doctor seems to think that I am only a little past four weeks pregnant. I am concerned for two reasons. First, my doctor put ...



G.B. asks from Dallas

May 8th was my last period. On June 2 I found out I was pregnant. Follwoing week I went in for blood work. Preog 15 (was put on progesterone supp) and HCG 40. 2 days ...


When to Spill the Beans About Pregnancy?!?

J.G. asks from Rapid City

I am 7 weeks pregnant... feeling all the symptoms & I'm having a hard time not telling anyone. My first doctors appointment is June 10 & I'm trying to wait until then...


Vaginal U/S Showed No Fetal Pole, No Heartbeat, Low Hcg

L.R. asks from Huntsville

So all of you who have been following my story know that I recently became pregnant after a miscarriage in March. I received a positive pregnancy test a few weeks ago...


I Am Confused If I Misscarried , or If I MAYBE Misscarried a Twin??

Y.R. asks from Allentown

here is the story, i found out wednesday at around 12;00 am on july 21 that iwas pregnant... i knew i was about 4 weeks because i only conceived on 1 day, because i ...


Getting Pregnant After Missed Abortion.

H.F. asks from Los Angeles

I recently had my first ultrasound and found no heartbeat. My OB thinks I'm having a missed abortion, as I'm not having any bleeding or anything. I go back on Monday...


Pregnancy After D & C

A.R. asks from Hartford

Hi-- this is very hard for me and I know some of you (if not most) out there understand what I am going through. I had my 10 week ultrasound this past Saturday where...

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Answer Highlights

  • hcg levels were rising in 2 answers "when I had an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, my HCG levels were rising but of course the ..."
  • had a blighted ovum in 2 answers "... how sorry I am that you had to go through a miscarriage! I had a blighted ovum ..."
  • just too early to see anything in 2 answers "... uearly for an ultra sound and it was probably just too early to see anything ..."
  • they couldnt see anything in 3 answers "... the exact same problem - my levels kept going up but they couldnt see anything ..."
  • blighted ovum in 2 answers "... the doctor told me not to tell my family as he thought it was a blighted ovum."