birthday greetings

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C.F. asks from Lafayette

I am looking for a website that will allow me to make monster truck invitations and print them out at home. The websites i have been to either you have to pay for the...


Potty Regression

E.L. asks from San Francisco

Greetings Moms and Dads, We have a somewhat stressful situation with potty training. My twin sons, now 3 years and 3 months old, started potty training about 4 mon...


Writing Across the Behind of Pants/shorts

L.R. asks from Detroit

How do you feel about writing on the back of shorts/pants. I have twin 5 1/2 yr old twin girls. For their 5th birthday they received capri shorts with "lucky girl...


Not Sure When to Plan My Baby's Cesarean!

M.G. asks from San Antonio

My daughter will have just turned 2 years old and our new little one will be ready to come out. I had a cesarean with my daughter and my ob advised I have another one...


I Think I Made a Horrible Mistake

A.J. asks from Grand Rapids

I am throwing a large party for my 4 year old daughters birthday. We will have ponies at the house, face painting,a piniata and a crafts table. There will be over 20...


When Should You Stop Putting Your Child's Name on a Gift.

S.T. asks from Houston

I think I already know the answer, but I want to see what everyone else thinks. I don't want to down the lovely present I recieved off my father and stepmother yeste...


Seeking Help with Discontinuing Pacifier Use!

I.M. asks from Chicago

Hi. My 2yr 11mo still has his pacifier. I feel guilty about it. I would love to be rid of it before his 3rd birthday. We have visited the dentist and have been to...



A.S. asks from Detroit

Well I will start with today is my daughter birthday. She is having a party with kids from school. I have a niece the same age. I told me brother she could not come u...


How to Stop a Meaningless (To Me) Ritual?

C.C. asks from New York

I have a group of friends from years back. We used to live close by, then over the years, all moved to different parts of the country. We really don’t call or tex...

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