birth control and nursing

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Results 31-40 from 3,543 articles

Birth Control Options While Bfeeding

A.G. asks from Minneapolis

I have never been on birth control (was using the NFP method) and I REALLY want to go on birth control after my next baby! I know I will be bfeeding and I would like ...


Nosy Birth Control Question

A.E. asks from Seattle

I am all done making babies! I am 3 weeks post partum and wondering what you all decided to do for birth control while you haggle with hubby over who gets "fixed".


Breastfeeding and Birth Control

E.W. asks from Dallas

okay ladies....I am super afraid to take anything while I am breastfeeding for birth control but do not want to get pregnant again (yet). What are you all doing (if ...


Advice on Birth Control

J.W. asks from Dallas

I'm thinking about getting a new birth control called Mirena. I have read about it and it seems to be what I'm looking for in a birth control. I'm just a little nervo...


Insomnia from Birth Control?

A.R. asks from Houston

Hi Moms, I need some help! I recently started taking a progestin only birth control pill about 12 days ago and have experienced severe insomnia for about a week. It ...


Birth Control Advice

B.D. asks from New York

Hi there. I am exclusively breastfeeding my 3 month old son, and tandem nursing my 23 month old as well. My OB/GYN gave me a prescription for Micronor birth contro...


Breast Feeding and Birth Control

L.W. asks from Las Vegas

I wanted to know if anyone knows what kind of birth control is safe to use while you breastfeed? I know that there is a certain pill that is safe to take while nursi...



A.P. asks from Portland

So I am at a lost ladies..I've tried the pill, it made me insane. I had the mirena and I had to get surgery to get it taken out. Now I'm on paragard and its making me...


Breastfeeding and Birth Control

A.W. asks from Los Angeles

My amazing lil boy is quickly approaching 6 months and i would like to start taking birth control pills again... any suggestions on what to take? Is the mini pill the...


Birth Control Question

M.C. asks from Albuquerque

I am planning on participating in a birth control study regarding The Patch...however I still nurse my 17 mos old (just at night) will this affect my baby? Not s...

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Answer Highlights

  • dont have to remember to take a pill in 3 answers "I like it because I don't have to remember to take a pill or do anything else to prevent ..."
  • mood swings depression in 2 answers "I took the generic, Camila, and had serious problems with mood swings/depression."
  • had no side effects in 2 answers "I did take Micronor while I was nursing for 7 months. I had no side effects."
  • had no sex drive in 2 answers "... the truth that happened to me.... I almost lost my husband. I had no sex drive ..."
  • after going off the pill in 2 answers "(It took me over a year after going off the pill). Not sure if that's something you ..."