bikram's yoga

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Results 31-40 from 41 articles

VIBE And/or Xango

R.D. asks from Lancaster

I am 29 and I have struggled with back arthritis, carpal tunnel, IBS, etc for mostly all of my adulthood. It really limits what I can do with my kids and I don't real...


Periods Still Not Back After 2 Years!

P.J. asks from Denver

Hi, I have a beautiful 21-month old who is still breastfeeding, in fact, he still won't drink any other form of milk. He uses nursing to fall asleep at night too ......


What Do You Do After Your Kids Are in Bed for the Night?

H.1. asks from Des Moines

This is just for fun/my curiosity, mostly. My son is almost 17 months old - he is in bed by 7 most nights. We live in a ranch style house and have a light sleeper - s...


Just Need to Talk

W.W. asks from Chicago

Hi, i'm a mother of 6(possible #7), and wife of 17yrs., sometimes i just get so caught up on taking care of my family. That i forget about myself. I suffer from ver...


Diet and Nutrition Questions

G.M. asks from Boston

I have a question that I am hoping you moms out there can help me with. As I approach 40, I am finding it harder to control my weight. I have recently put on 5 lbs...


Alternative Methods for Clearing for Sinus Swelling

N.D. asks from Portland

i've read that reflexology can clear sinuses. does anyone have experience with this? how about a naturopath? i've been on several rounds of antibiotics. the first...


Having Horrible PMS symptoms...don't Want to Go on the Pill.

L.A. asks from Chicago

I have had 2 children, my daughter is 14 months now and my son is 3 1/2. We are DONE having children, my husband had a vasectomy last June. I have always suffered f...


Seeking Help with Back Problem

E.G. asks from Chicago

I am a senior citizen with a back problem that seems to be getting worse. I have had therapy that only works for a short while. I have had injections in my spine th...


Stress Eating Help!

A.L. asks from Salt Lake City

I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids ages 2 and under. Lately I have been getting so behind on my housework, my kids have been sick, and I've just been feeling very s...


Not Ovulating

K.K. asks from Denver

Hi Moms, My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 5 months now. I started to notice that my cycles were strange during the first month we were tryi...

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Answer Highlights

  • locally harvested honey in 3 answers "... thing that has helped many of our friends is to purchase LOCALLY harvested honey ..."
  • mayan abdominal massage in 2 answers "... Herbalist and I specialize in a form of massage called Mayan abdominal Massage."
  • taking charge of your fertility in 2 answers "... HIGHLY recommend getting ahold of a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility""
  • had a herniated disc in 2 answers "E., I had back problems in 2005. I had a herniated disc (L4/L5). This was pinching ..."
  • natural progesterone cream in 2 answers "Hi L., I just sent a response to you regarding Natural Progesterone cream."