bad wife

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Mother in Law Still Talks to Huband's Ex-wife

C.Y. asks from San Francisco

My husband and I are been married almost 2 years now. He has 5 children from previous marriage, and been divorce over 10 years. Their marriage didn't end in good ter...


Need Help Telling My Brother & Wife I Am Expecting After They Lost Child?

S.G. asks from Augusta

My brother and his wife had their baby three months early and the baby lived for 1 month about a year earlier my SIL had a miscarriage. Now I am about 3 months pregn...


Buy a House but Husband Doesn't Want Wife to Sign the Contract Together

P.L. asks from Washington DC

I moved to USA 10 years ago and I have been married for 5 years now. I don't know much about marriage law or real-estate in VA. many years ago, my husband divor...


Adult Son and Wife Do Not Give Me Birthday or Christmas Gifts or Cards.

J.L. asks from Tulsa

My son and his wife live out of state. I send cash birthday and Christmas gifts to both of them including my step-granddaughter. I am single who lives on social secur...


Ideas on Encouraging and Supporting Expectant Soldiers Wife That Is a Widow

T.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamasource Moms, My husband's friend was just killed fighting for our country. He leaves behind a wife and a baby that is due at the end of October. My husband kn...


(ADDED "SO WHAT HAPPENED") EX Husbands and His New Wife Problems.......

E.H. asks from Dallas

I have been texting my ex husband. Not to get him back but kinda to be sneaky and find out what he has been up to yada yada. He usually texts me back and tells me h...


School Pictures: Should I Share with My Childrens Dad and His Wife. EDITED

J.M. asks from St. Cloud

My daughter age 10, countinues to ask for pictures to take to her dads. I have been meaning to call and speak to them about it, but I have not gotten to it. My childr...


Wife, Mom of 2 Kids, Working & Nursing It Possible?

V.S. asks from Lima

I have 2 kids (2 year old daughter and 5 week old daughter). I plan to go back and work part time after my maternity leave is up (probably around 25-30 hours per wee...


Did We Handle This Doctor Visit Right or Wrong with Ex Wife?

C.Z. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and his ex wife have 50/50 custody with MW ( dad) and T Th ( mom) and every other weekend. My stepdaughter recently broke her arm while in the care of her ...


Advice with the Ex-Wife and My Step-Daughters

K.U. asks from Detroit

Hello Ladies, This is my 1st time posting anything on the site. I have read quite a few of the questions and concerns as well as the responses that all of you hav...

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