bad credit home loan mortgage

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Results 21-30 from 408 articles

Credit Repair

J.S. asks from Atlanta

Is anyone fimilar with ways to repair credit scores? I made alot of bad decisions as a teen, and now I am paying for it. I have some outstanding celluar debts, and me...


Who Is Comfortable with Your Current Mortgage?

D.D. asks from Denver

Are you currently comfortable with the amount you pay to your mortgage company? I mean who really wants to pay for a mortgage but is it eating you out of house and ho...


Credit Help!!

M.P. asks from Provo

Ok so ugh my credit. Do to some past unpaid bills, my family making me let my sister use my credit to buy a bed for her son (I was not happy about it AT ALL. I was on...


Home Equity vs Another Mortgage

B.A. asks from Miami

Good morning Mamas, My husband and I are considering buying another house. We currently live in a townhouse with a small yard, but want something a little bigger wi...


Credit Repair

J.R. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for any information regarding credit repair, I was told that here where I live in CA. there are many companies that can remove deragatory items from your...


Divorcing - What Happens When You Cannot Afford Your Mortgage on Your Own?

A.D. asks from New York

Has anyone been in a situation of divorce where none of you can afford the mortgage on your own? Did you just both move out and ruin your credit (stop paying the mort...


Best Place to Get Car Loan?

A.D. asks from Cincinnati

Any advice re: where to get a loan for a new (well, new to us!) car? I've heard it's better to have financing lined up before you go car shopping, but where should I...


Debt Mnagement and Getting a Mortgage

N.K. asks from Detroit

If I were to do debt management will it effect me in anyway getting a mortgage in the next 2-4 years???HELP


Seeking Bad Credit Single Mother Loans to Purchase Home???

J.S. asks from Phoenix

My lanlord just told me he is selling the house that my 2 children and I are living in! I have POOR credit so I am very worried about where to look for a loan. Does ...


FHA Loan, the Good the Bad. Experiences Please

L.R. asks from Wausau

If you are willing to share. So we are trying to get our first loan, and I am noticing that FHA loan might be the best option for our family and I am looking to see w...

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