baby yoga

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Yoga or Something Else?

M.V. asks from Los Angeles

I am a SAHM & am wanting to find a good dvd for at home yoga or pilates. My goal is to get back in shape after my son is born(any day at this piont). I've looked at T...


Seeking Good Prenatal Yoga Class

D.M. asks from Denver

Does anyone have a favorite prenatal yoga class?


Pre-Natal/Maternity Yoga...Did It Help with Delivery??

T.R. asks from Orlando

Hi all, I am wondering if anyone tried yoga during pregnancy? I am due in June and my last labor was horribly long and very difficult. I was induced and was in l...


Does Yoga Get You into Good Shape?

C.M. asks from Dallas

Hey Moms, My husband will have a normal work schedule this summer (yay!) so in addition to taking walks with the kids I would like to join an exercise program at t...


Dads at Prenatal Yoga Class?

K.K. asks from Chicago

I'm going to be a first time mom in March and one of my girlfriends recommended prenatal yoga classes. I read some reviews here recommending Bloom and Yogaview, but ...


Yoga Classes in Atlanta

C.N. asks from Atlanta

Hi Ladies!!! Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!! I live in Buckhead and was wondering if you guys knew of a great yoga studio that has good classes either prenatal o...


Momma and Toddler Yoga DVD

B.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have been admiring my 1 1/2 year old son's flexiblity and am looking for a yoga DVD that we could do together. Help him learn to take care of his body and get my ol...


Prenatal Yoga Dvd

R.A. asks from Peoria

I was reading that yoga can help the pressure that I am feeling in my back and hips already. I'm 3 months and this is my second but I didn't show until late with my s...


Pilates & Yoga During Pregnancy???

T.B. asks from Charlotte

Hey just wondering if anyone knew anything about Yoga & Pilates during pregnnancy. I just started both about a month ago @ my local gym Neither class is prenatel & th...


Prenatal Yoga in Portland

K.L. asks from Portland

I'd love a referral to an inexpensive (or reasonable) studio in Portland, Oregon. Pre/postnatal yoga, or prenatal pilates would be great - thank you! I'm just about...

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