baby very gassy at night

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Help with Colic and Gassy Baby

M.R. asks from Orlando

Any advice that really works is welcomed for baby with colic and gas...5 weeks old..I was told ceral in the her milk would cut acid, anyone know about this?


Breastfeeding a Gassy Baby

D.N. asks from New York

I am breastfeeding and finding that my baby is fussy after most feedings. He spits up and always seems to be uncomfortable. He only finds comfort in me rocking him an...


GASSY BABY Has Trouble Pooping

B.H. asks from Missoula

My 3 month old gets very bad gas and is often in pain from it. I think what could be causing the gas is her frequent constipation. She only poops once every three to ...


Gassy Fussy Baby

E.W. asks from Dallas

My 1 month old screamed all night....he had pent up gas he couldn't get out....any suggestions?


Help with a Gassy Baby

C.H. asks from San Antonio

I have a 5 week old son who seems to have colic and bad gas. I think he is drinking too fast and gulping air but the Dr. Brown's bottles are not much of a help. The ...


Up All Night...

R.S. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, just wondering if anyone had any suggestions, here's my dillemma. I just had twin boys, they're 2 1/2 weeks old, who are perfect for me during the day...bu...


Gassy 4 Month Old

B.W. asks from Salt Lake City

My baby girl is the gassiest baby I've ever seen! I am breastfeeding exclusively. I have tried simethecone gas drops, but they don't seem to do a thing. She is act...


Gassy and Crying. Help!!

L.P. asks from Chicago

my baby is 5 weeks old. he has lots of gas and tummy pain. he is very fussy and cries a lot. he arches his back after he eats, I did change his formula several time...


Very Gassy 5 Week Old

W.S. asks from Spokane

My 5 week old son seems to have constant gas. He toots very loudly quite often, even startling himself awake at times. When he is having a BM he also has extra gas ...


Anyone Else Have These Gassy Problems?

A.S. asks from Dallas

I know this is long but I'm so desperate. I don't know if this is just normal for babies and I'm just making it into a big deal, or if maybe its a different problem a...

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Answer Highlights

  • bring his knees to his chest in 2 answers "Also if you rub his stomach and bring his knees to his chest it will help him to pass ..."
  • some dark karo syrup in 2 answers "... at that age and her doctor had her drink water with some dark Karo syrup."
  • cut all dairy out of my diet in 2 answers "( i am breastfeeding also) I cut all dairy out of my diet and I noticed he was much ..."
  • dairy out of your diet in 4 answers "... I agree with everyone -- keep breastfeeding and cut the dairy out of your diet!"
  • happiest baby on the block in 5 answers "Go get the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block". Ignore all of the evolution gibberish ..."