baby outfits

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Baby # Shower or Not to Shower?

A.L. asks from Alexandria

Hi All, Just curious as to what the thinking is on baby showers for third baby? Thanks~


Can I Have a Baby Shower for My Second Baby?

K.C. asks from Texarkana

So the other day i was chatting with a lady at work about being prego, we have a 11mth old and i am 10weeks pregnant. The lady said in kinda a harsh tone You know you...


Advice with the Sex of the Baby, and Some Help with Baby Shower....

S.R. asks from Youngstown

Well I went to the Dr. to find out what the sex of the baby was. The lady that did all the test and stuff said she was 67% sure its a girl. Well 67% isn't that good, ...


Baby Shower Gift

A. asks from Lakeland

My husbands best friends wife is 8 months pregnant, and her MIL is planning her a baby shower. I have already bought about $40 worth of stuff that I have already give...


Baby Gift for 8Th Child

K.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Moms, I'm wondering if any of you with large families can help me. A friend of mine just had her 8th child (yes, she is completely amazing). Her children rang...


Making Baby Shower (For Baby #2) Special

C.T. asks from Seattle

I'm hosting my sister-in-law's baby shower in a few weeks. She's having a little girl and has had a hard 2nd pregnancy. She co-hosted my baby shower and amazed the ...


How to Store Baby Clothes for Next Baby

C.L. asks from San Francisco

My son is about to turn 1 and I've slowly started to store away his baby clothes for the next baby. At first I was trying to make it all neat and organized but now i...


Baby Shower for 3Rd Child

T.M. asks from Kansas City

Does anyone have any ideas for a 3rd Child Baby Shower. Not planning on doing an actual shower but a girl's get-together to celebrate the new baby. Did a Shower for...


Gift for Second Baby

L.O. asks from Detroit

my sister in law just had her second son. I want to get her a gift. I dont think she needs any more baby boy clothes. I am looking for a gift idea for the new baby....


Baby Shower Games

T.B. asks from Albuquerque

I am planning a baby shower for one of my family members and i need some good idea's for baby shower games. Does anyone have good idea.Thank you

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