baby oiled

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Results 21-30 from 114 articles

I Dont Want Bad Stretch Marks!!!

J.N. asks from Fort Wayne

Hi! I am 15 weeks pregnant with my first baby!!! (really excited) and I was wondering if anyone has used a really good lotion that can avoid or make stretch marks not...


Dry Skin

S.J. asks from Knoxville

My 4 month old has "Dry skin" in his head well it is on his scalp. It is only toward the back like the center of the head where it starts going down the back of the h...


Seeking Knowledgeable and Outgoing Pediatrician

G.V. asks from Dallas

Looking for a great pediatrician. I have 2 girls (5yrs. and 2yrs.) and we are expecting our 3rd (a baby boy) Christmas Day! I have heard good recommendations about Dr...


Ideas for Food?

S.W. asks from Burlington

My husband and I have always been really bad about cooking for ourselves, especially with work. Now with our new baby, we are just as bad, even though I am home all d...


Babies and Germs

S.E. asks from New York

how were you moms and dads as far as your babies and germs?.. I have to admit the first week that my baby came home from the hospital, i was very "o my god did you wa...


Double Stroller Recommendations

A.H. asks from Omaha

Hi Moms, I have a 16 month old son and am expecting a baby girl at the end of the month. When my son was born we invested in the Chicco Cortina travel system. We hav...


BiRacial Scalp Help?

H.B. asks from Pittsburgh

Can any suggest anything good for the scalp? what looks to me is my 13 yr old daughter has something that looks just like cradle cap all over and it looks so bad. i h...


Feeling Some Type of Way Lately!

J.F. asks from Raleigh

Hey Mamma's I am about to be at my wits end. I have a 17 month old lil girl and work full time from home while watching her her as well. Her father lives with us an...


No Bowell Movements in Last 18 Hrs??

C.W. asks from Redding

I have an almost 3 week old breastfeed baby girl and we have been having tummy issues all week/weekend....I thought it was gas at first, she pulled her legs up and sq...


Mylicon Drops for Infants

J.C. asks from Casper

I am considering trying these Mylicon drops for my 3 week old DS. I was wondering if anyone else had used them and to what success. It says on the package that it w...

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