baby food before bed

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Making Own Baby Food

W.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hello! Now that I am a stay at home mom with sooo much time on my hands (too bad you can't hear the sarcasm in my voice!) I am contemplating preparing my daughter's ...


Problems Starting Baby Food...

L.L. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi, my son Nick (and first child) is now 6 months old & has been begging w/ his eyes & hands for food for over a month now. With doc's OK we started w/ baby cereal l...


Baby Food and Cereal

A.F. asks from Elkhart

I am supposed to start feeding my son fruit 1 time a day, cereal 2 times a day and vegitable 1 time a day. Anyone know how to schedule this? Should I let him eat the ...


Solid Food and Breastfed Baby

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

Back again for help!:) I am sooo confused, and not only that, can't seem to find any answers on the internet or in all of my books! I started my daughter on cer...


Baby Not Sleeping in His Bed

L.C. asks from Dallas

Help! Can't stand to hear 1 month old baby cry. When I put him down to sleep in his bed today, he cried for 10 minutes straight until I picked him up. He was fed, cle...


Burping Baby After Eating Baby Food

A.Z. asks from San Francisco

Hello everyone. I recently started giving my 5 1/2 month old daughter baby food once a day instead of a bottle. I was giving it to her before, but I would give her a ...


Bed Rest Til Baby Is Here.

E.B. asks from Miami

went to the doctor yesterday i'm 35 weeks and 6 days. The doctor put me on bed rest for the remainder of the time until I have my c-section on 10/12. I can't sleep to...


What Is Your Ahhhh Food?

J.M. asks from Scranton

Kids are in school and napping and I opened a snickers bar and took a bite and am in heaven thinking ahhhh. what is your ahhhh food?


Food Throwing!!!

B.C. asks from Norfolk

My 18 month old daughter is constantly throwing her food on the floor and it is making me crazy. I've tried making her pick it up, but that turned out to be fun for ...


When to Start Feeding a Baby Food and Not Just Formula

J.T. asks from Washington DC

when can you start to feed your baby food and not just formula? Does it help the baby with his sleeping schedule if you start to add food to the diet? We are dealing ...

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