babies napping

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Napping Problems

R.S. asks from Charleston

I have an almost 9 month old who won't go down for a nap without nursing. I am still breastfeeding and that is going great, but I don't know how to get him to go to s...


Advice on Napping for 5-Month Old

T.D. asks from Charlotte

I know every baby is different, but I'm curious to know how how often my 5-month old should be napping during the day. Right now he takes a solid hour to an hour and ...


Napping on the Go: Managing a Toddler and a Newborn

J.V. asks from Chicago

I respect Weissbluth in many ways, and agree that sleep in a crib will be more restful than on the go. However, I have a 23 months old and a 10 week old. Soon, I kno...


3 Month Old Not Napping Unless I'm Holding Him

A.V. asks from Missoula

Hi, ladies! I need a little advice on how to get my 3 month old to nap. Right now, he is not napping during the day unless I'm holding him. He's not like mos...


6 Week Old Who Is Having Troubling Napping During the Day

S.C. asks from Norfolk

My daughter is 6 weeks old. About a week ago she started dropping off feedings in the night and is now going to down to sleep around 10 PM, waking up at 3 AM, and the...


4 Month Old Has Stopped Napping!

K.K. asks from New York

My beautiful, sparky, stubborn daughter of 17 weeks is mixing it up again. As a newborn she was mildly fussy - not a great sleeper but not really colicy. (I exclusiv...


Do You Let Your Babies Play with Dogs?

D.J. asks from Atlanta

I have a 9 month old who is very much interested in our dog. Always trying to touch him and crawling after him. He is a shih-poo, a small dog. But I am afraid to let ...


Having Babies 18 Months Apart

K.S. asks from Chicago

Hi Ladies, I have a 10 1/2 month old daughter whom I am still exclusively breastfeeding and I just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant. I plan on continuing to breast...


Having Babies Close Together

N.V. asks from Boston

I have a 5 month old boy and just found out I am pregnant! I'm really excited since I am older and it took 1 1/2 years to get the 1st one. I'm hoping others can sha...


Pets and Babies - How Do You Manage?

J.P. asks from New York

I am currently expecting my first kids, twin girls, in a few months. I have 2 cats and 2 small dogs, who get along well with one another. However, we have NO idea h...

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