at night i think of you

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Night Terrors

A.M. asks from Baton Rouge

I think my 21 mon. old might be having night terrors, anyone know about these? What causes them and what I can do before I lose my mind ? A.


Not Sure What to Think About This

C.U. asks from Omaha

My son was 9 months old yeasterday. He has been doing this weird movement for a while now when we feed him. When he is in his high chair he will tilt this head to h...


Night Weaning

A.T. asks from New York

My son is pretty much weaned during the day but we have such a problem at night. From day one he has never slept through the night and gets up about every two hours....


Sleeping Through the Night

A.N. asks from New York

Everyone keeps telling me that my 6 month old should be sleeping through the night by now. She gets up at least once a night. I just cant seem to get her to make it t...


Do You Think This Is Right..

K.K. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms, Recently I picked up a new client for FT care. I worked with her daughter on Thursday 9am-645pm and then Friday-Saturday 9am-4pm. She was an hour late on ...


Sleeping Through the Night

K.M. asks from Boise

I need suggestions on how to get my 17 month old to sleep through the night


Which Do You Think Is Better?

L.L. asks from Orlando

Never allowing your daughter to see you have a drink (alcohol) and she knows stories about you being drunk ............. or having a couple drinks in front of your da...


Sleeping Through the Night

L.L. asks from Atlanta

At what age were your babies when they were sleeping through the night (8-10 hours)?


2012: What Do You Think About It?

J.E. asks from Los Angeles

With all the 2012 predictions and stuff, Im wondering how much thought (and fear?) you put into it. All this talk about planet X and what may happen, sometimes sounds...


What Do You Think (TMI???)

M.B. asks from Washington DC

I know this is taboo... and sorry if it is too much info... But as I was having a conversation with someone who I'd call somewhere between a friend and an acquaintan...

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