all natural baby

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Anyone Experience Natural Childbirth?

M.M. asks from Kansas City

If all goes well, I am hoping to have a natural childbirth this fall. I have a doula who I love to work with me on pain management. Just wanted to see if anyone out t...


Natural Birth Stories

M.M. asks from Atlanta

I recently watched the documentary, The Business of Being Born, and am now considering a natural birth. Does anyone have any advice for going the natural route? Any r...


Having Natural After C Section

K.W. asks from Cumberland

I know you can have a natural birth after a C section, But is it harder? Does it hurt your stomach really terrible?


Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau

L.F. asks from Los Angeles

Was wondering if anyone has read Kevin Trudeaus book "natural Cures" and if you have followed any of his advice..and if so what was the result?


Natural Child Birth?

C.S. asks from Redding

SO, my question to you all is this: Do you believe that any form of Child birth is natural or only vaginal? With meds/without? In a hospital or not? The background...


Natural Birth Control

A.D. asks from Honolulu

Anyone have any good suggestions for any websites/books/information on natural birth control? My husband and I have decided that birth control pills just really aren'...


All Natural Flea Remedy???

P.R. asks from Dallas

Our dogs have fleas and they are bringing them inside. I do not want to use a bunch of chemicals because we have 3 small kids, but I am not sure what will work that ...


Natural Products a Cure for Asthma?

C.M. asks from Chicago

Can switching to all natural cleaning products, bedding, clothing, and mattresses help alleviate my daughter's asthma? Please tell me your experience.


ADHD All Natural Diet

J.S. asks from Chicago

Do any of you have any experience good/bad/indifferent about the "all natural diet" to treat ADD and/or ADHD in children in lieu of or in addition to medication?


Natural Child Birth Control

L.S. asks from Austin

I had my obygn app this morning after having a baby girl 20 days ago. He talked to me about Natural Femenine Control as a birth control method, because I am breastfe...

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