
Related Questions & Answers

Results 41-50 from 1,092 articles

How Do You Organize Your Pictures...

A.J. asks from Portland

So I know I take waaaaayyyy too many pictures of my son, but holy smokies is he cute! Now that we are in the digital age, I'm finding myself taking an obscene amount...


Help Removing Photos

T.M. asks from Jackson

Dear Mamas, I'm hoping that someone out there can help me with this situation... Those old darn photo albums that we had long ago where you peel back the film a...


Scrapbook Retreats

K.R. asks from Boston

Hi All, I am looking for info/feedback about people's experiences going to scrapbook retreats. I know it depends on the quality of the hostess/location, etc., but ov...


Ideas for Putting Together a Book of Letters

L.L. asks from Dallas

My good friend lost her husband last year. She has mentioned that she loves to hear stories about him but people are scared to talk about him. So, I have made the r...


Selling Things on Facebook... Tacky?

E.J. asks from Lincoln

Lately I've seen a lot of people having albums in their facebook that are titled "for sale". I guess there is an upside to this, but many times it's just things like...


How Do I Scrapbook Baby #2'S First Year?

W.R. asks from Roanoke

Hi! I have a baby book for both of my kids, and for the first I also did a scrapbook of her first year. I included everything from that year in it, even things (lik...


Suggestions for GOOD Work Out Music

C.S. asks from Dallas

I'm looking on ITunes for a really good workout music album to buy...all of it is cheesy remix stuff....any suggestions for good dance/workout music albums???


Advice on Organizing/ Communicating Kids'/ Famiily Photos

C.A. asks from Washington DC

What do you do to communicate photos electronically to family and friends and also to print and file/ album them for yourself? Lately my system, which has been to tak...


How Do You Organize Your Digital Photos?

J.G. asks from Washington DC

I am SWAMPED with thousands of photos on my computer. I never print them or organize them in any way other than on the computer. I need a simple system for taking t...


Do You Preserve Your Child's Special Memories or Events Through Scrapbooking?

R.S. asks from Chicago

I'm just curious if you do anything creative to keepsake your child's changing development, special milestones, memories. etc. I am thinking of beginning a scrapbook ...

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Answer Highlights

  • im a creative memories consultant in 2 answers "Hi, I'm a Creative Memories consultant so I looked back in my notes for info from ..."
  • sawing motion in 2 answers "... dental floss under a corner and work it down under the photo in a sawing motion."
  • dental floss in 4 answers "Or try dental floss under a corner and work it down under the photo in a sawing motion."
  • chronological order in 2 answers "I do my books in chronological order."
  • scrap booking in 2 answers "And I feel extremely pressured by society and scrap booking enthusiasts to get started."