air duct cleaning

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Results 71-80 from 184 articles

Potty Training- Is Punishment Appropriate?

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- DS is nearly 3. He is capable of using the potty, goes when taken, and sometimes asks to go. Unfortunately, within the past week or so, he's taken ...


Protect Fingernail?

S.H. asks from Huntsville

I'll spare the gruesome details, but about a month ago I squished my index finger in the truck door. It is healing fine, but because of the damage, the nail is loose...


6 Yr Old STILL Coughing, Is It an Allergy?

D.B. asks from Dallas

What are reasons my son could (still) be coughing?? What are natural remedies and ways to prevent coughing?? My son is 6 1/2 yrs old. He has a cough that just won't g...


I'm a Better Mother During Summer...??

E.D. asks from Seattle

Fact: I despise the cold. Damp cold, dry cold, snow cold, rain cold, desert cold...Despise it. Conversely, I love being hot (dry hot, wet hot, sunny hot, cloudy ho...


Oder in Bathroom

A.B. asks from Birmingham

Hello mammas! I do clean ups in mobile home and houses for our landlord when people move out. I have been in this one for almost 2 weeks, painting, new carpets, clea...


Ready for Potty Training?

D.P. asks from Raleigh

My 19 mo old boy has started urinating on the floor. We usually take his diaper off and let him "air out" a couple of minutes right before bath time. However, severa...


When Did Your Child Stop Getting Sick So Often?

K.T. asks from Minneapolis

I just responded to another post which I will copy and paste to help explain.... "My son is going through the same thing. Last October [when he first started dayca...


Allergies from Cat?

J.J. asks from Milwaukee

So I have year round allergies/asthma and a dog and cat in the house. The dog showed up on my allergy test as a 1 on the ratings of 1-6 (6 being the highest). Cats sh...


Killer Dust Bunnies!

R.D. asks from Richmond

WHAT is with all the dust in my house!? We are currently renting an older house, probably build around 1940-ish, and we've been here for about a year. No matter what,...


Heater Stopped Working

A.R. asks from Dallas

I need an HVAC person today! Does anyone know a good company that is honest? I woke up this morning to an ice cold house.

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