acid reflux and constipation

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L.C. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 week old spits up some of the time when I feed her, sometime even vomits. Sometimes 30-60 mins after she eats. I prop her up for 30 mins after she eats to make s...



J.P. asks from New York

My little boy (6 weeks old) is on the reflux medication Ranitidine 15mg 2X a day and it doesnt seem to be helping. He is still spitting up alot to a point that it pou...


Acid Reflux

S.K. asks from Denver

I posted in January about my son having some stomach pains which he is over but during the process and several dr visits the Dr said it sounds like GERD and is treati...


Nutramigen and Zantac (Acid Reflux)

A.M. asks from Green Bay

Our LO is almost three months and has had issues with being fussy and spitting up formula. He has also always been very grunty. We switched him to nutramigen and that...


Has Anyone Used over the Counter Probiotics to Help Acid Reflux in Baby?

M.M. asks from Jamestown

Has anyone used over the counter probiotics to help acid reflux in baby? What are your opinions on probiotics and infants who breastfeed?


Does Anyone Have Children with Acid Reflux or Asthma?

J.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello Moms! I have a 5 month old boy who I believe may have some acid reflux. Nothing too major but has caused much discomfort. He used to spit up like nothing I have...


Newborn with Acid Reflux and Painful Gas

C.T. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter is 4 weeks old and has been suffering from acid reflux and painful gas since she was 1 week old. I need advice/suggestions/opinions from anyone who has b...


Does Anyone Have Experience with the Acid Reflux Where It Doesn't Come Up???

A.M. asks from Sacramento

I have a baby girl who just turned 2 months old yesterday. She has had some real tummy issues that my husband and I thought we had figured out. The main consistant pr...


Two Month Old Has Acid Reflux and I Can't Put Him in His Crib to Sleep

C.S. asks from Boca Raton

My two month old has acid mild acid reflux and when I try to lie him in his crib at night after eating some of it comes back up. My pediatrician suggested I keep him ...


Acid Reflex

S. asks from Minneapolis

Hi moms, my daughter has acid reflex and was put on prevacid about 3-4weeks ago.....she was doing great on it, i saw it seems she wants more to eat at...

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Answer Highlights

  • try cutting all dairy out of your diet in 2 answers "... I'd highly, highly recommend you at least try cutting all dairy out of your diet."
  • clockwise circular in 2 answers "Massage the abdomen very gently in gentle clockwise circular movements or hold your ..."
  • had acid reflux in 7 answers "Hello A., I am a mother of 3, and all three of my children had acid reflux when ..."
  • diagnosed with acid reflux in 2 answers "... with my daughter who will be 1 this weekend was also diagnosed with acid reflux ..."
  • trust your instincts in 2 answers "Watch her weight and trust your instincts."