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Results 11-20 from 52 articles

Clogged Tear Ducts

A.T. asks from Dallas

Hi, I am a gradmother of a beautiful one month old baby boy. He has clogged tear ducts. The doctor says this is very common on newborn babies. I am concerned because ...


Quiero Que Madres Latinas Puedan Beneficiarse De Esta Red.

M.Q. asks from San Juan

Soy nueva en esta red y pienso que puede ayudar a empoderar a muchas madres. como soy latina creo que es necesario que comencemos a escribirnos en español, ayudar a ...


Facial Wart

A.H. asks from Washington DC

My 6 year old daughter has a wart above her upper lip...her pediatrician said to get wart remover and that should do...but all of the wart removers indicate DO NOT US...


Help with Clingy Baby

I'm a 55 yrs old, Mother 0f 5, and Abuela of three; Teacher (with specialty in pre-schoolers). I'll be sending you more hints, as I pray God for wisdom for ...

Apple Empanada Recipe?

D.G. asks from El Paso

Hey All, Does any one have a recipe for apple empanadas?


Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

J.E. asks from Dallas

Hey Moms, Need a great place to host my brother's and his fiances' rehearsal dinner in Lewisville, TX. Any suggestions of great restaurants or unique venues?


What Should Kids Call Biological Grandmother They've Never Met?

V.P. asks from Dallas

My husband was raised by his father and stepmother (who he actually considers his mom, and legally adopted him years ago). My husband has had very little contact wit...


Help - Grandma Names

B.S. asks from San Diego

My mom is driving me nuts! My daughter (her only grandchild so far) is over a year old now and my mom still says she does not want to be called Grandma, but she won't...


Grandparent "Nicknames"

J.O. asks from Sarasota

I am looking for alternate names for grandchildren to call their grandparents instead of just grandma and grandpa. Thanks!

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