ab exercises

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Results 51-60 from 299 articles

How to Lose Baby Belly Fat After 1 Yr :(

A.S. asks from Reading

so its been 1 yr since my c section. i was 105lbs pre pregnancy 180 at delivery and now im 115 to 120lbs. BUT i still look pregnant i cant wear my tighter shirts an...


Good Excercises for Pelvic Area and Back

T.C. asks from Indianapolis

My fiance and I each have a child from our previous relationships and now we are planning to try making a baby in August after we get married. I've noticed that sinc...


When Is It OK to Start

J.T. asks from Grand Rapids

I had a c-section (my 2nd) almost 2 weeks ago and am wondering when it is OK for me to seriously start to work out. I gained a lot of weight during this pregnancy du...


Being in a Cast and Exercising

M.M. asks from Chicago

I broke my L wrist last Monday and I am in the cast. The pain is not so bothersome anymore as long as I do not twist my wrist certain ways. Before I broke my wrist I ...


Pregnancy and Fitness, What Did You Ladies Do?

A.G. asks from Houston

I recently lost 25 lbs and had 20 more to go when i found out i was pregnant about a week ago. I had undertaken a year long journey to work out every day for at least...


I Was Asked When I Was Due AGAIN!....my "Baby" Is Three :(

A.S. asks from Atlanta

I get so frustrated each time this happens... I have two beautiful children that happened to come out big (both over 10 pounds) via c-section. I am back to pre-preg...


Information About Prolaspe

K.A. asks from Denver

I am within days of being 65 and over Thanksgiving had a prolaspe, I think it is called POP. My doctor's appointment will be the week of the 20th, so I do not know r...


Loose Skin from Twins- Help!

T.M. asks from Dallas

I just had 3 babies in 2 years, first a 9lb boy and 14 months later twin 6lb girls, needless to say my stomach is a mess of stretch marks and loose skin and my belly ...


Newly Pregnant, When Do I See the Dr? and How to Continue Excersizing

L.U. asks from Seattle

On Wednesday I took a urine test and found out that I am pregnant! we started trying about 5 weeks ago, so I am probably about 4 weeks along. With my first son I di...


Desperate to Get Body in Shape After Having Triplets

B.C. asks from Lansing

I had triplets 9 months ago and have negative amount of personal time. My stomach/tummy area sticks out and I am SO self-concious, not to mention frustrated with the...

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Answer Highlights

  • healing from being cut in 2 answers "... that you have had a major surgery and that your body is healing from being cut ..."
  • pre existing condition in 2 answers "... and know you are pregnant, they can deny some of it as a pre-existing condition."
  • had a tummy tuck in 3 answers "I know someone who recently had a tummy tuck and a breast lift after 4 children."
  • get back into shape in 2 answers "... to focus on sleep because your because your body will not get back into shape ..."
  • until at least 6 weeks in 2 answers "Definitely don't be doing things that involve the abs until at least 6 weeks."