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Results 41-50 from 8,858 articles

Need Dinner/lunch Solutions- Picky Eaters, Vegetarian, All in One House

E.B. asks from Houston

1. Husband will not change, unfortunately. Doesn't want to. 2. I know kids should make their own lunches but I enjoy doing it and somedays I feel it is their healthie...


In Need of Quick Good Meals That Can Be Done One Handed

C.1. asks from Cincinnati

I know the subject line may sound odd but I am scheduled to have shoulder surgery in 3 weeks and will not have use of my right arm for approximately 2 months. I'm a s...


Reaction to One-year Vaccination? Drowsiness and Slower Reaction Time

N.S. asks from Columbus

My son turned one year old last week and received his one-year vaccinations on Tuesday. Today is Thursday and he still sleeps more than he did before. Is that normal?...


16 Month Old Who Is Always Sick and No One Knows What Is Wrong

C.W. asks from Topeka

Hello! Iam in desperate need of some advice of what to do. Our 16 month old has been a handful since birth. Just a quick background incase you havent read my previous...


What to Do When Making Foods with Pasta for Family but One Child Can't Eat It

S.T. asks from Albany

My three year old does not like pasta. We cook spaghetti, homemade macaroni and cheese and chicken alfredo and we have had lasagna at my in-law's house and my 3 year...


Has Any One Ever Been Sued by a Former Landlord?

J.T. asks from Detroit

My two daughters and I moved out of a rental house in Roseville this past June. I was just served a affidavit for small claims court against me from my former landlor...


Ok Moms This Is a Hard One

K.K. asks from Yuma

So for the past few months my now 8 month old son hasn't been wanting to sleep in his crib anymore. ever since he was born he's been sleeping in his crib, bassnit, pl...


One Year Old with Exzema

L.B. asks from Killeen

Hi, my daughter was recently diagnosed with a mild form of exzema. My pedi recommended that I use Aveeno, but it has not helped. I thought that it could just be fro...


Does Any One Else Sleep with Their Baby?

R.W. asks from New York

I have a 5 month old girl who is not, and never been a good sleeper. she is up multiple times a night. usually we fall asleep on the couch together, and then move ups...


Does a Child Get One Dose or Two Doses of the Varicella (Chicken Pox) Vaccine

J.B. asks from New York

Did your child recieve one dose or two doses of the chicken pox vaccine and if so, at what age?

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