a love for reading

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8 Yr Old Reading

B. asks from Augusta

My 8 yr old is in the gifted spectrum, and she loves to read, has a 5th grade reading level. BUT She 's starting to dumb down her reading. In other words she's readi...


Summer Reading Programs

T.J. asks from Dallas

Hi, I am looking for a Summer Reading Program for my son. Hopefully he will be in second grade next Fall; we really need to work on his reading. Can someone plea...


Reading Those Great Books

M.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I'm wondering at what age you started reading your kids chapter books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Charlotte's Web? I'm dying to read these ...


Additional Reading Support

C.K. asks from Pittsburgh

My 6 year old is going into first grade and we are having fluency issues with reading. She is really good at sounding out words, and honestly, she is getting words I...


What's the Best Early Reading System?

T.W. asks from Dallas

My son starts kindergarten this month and already knows all his letters by recognition and how to write them. I'd like to boost his early reading skills, but don't k...


Reading Time Before Bed Is a Joke

J.O. asks from Detroit

Are all the kids out there reading and loving it, like I imagine? My kids don't read. They hate to read. It's like a punishment. So Instead of going to bed (ages...


Making Reading Fun

L.H. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi, I have a 5 year old (just turned 5) he started reading about 18 months ago, and is very good at it. We read books every night, i usually have him read me a "pre-r...


Tag Reading System

H.D. asks from Dallas

Does anyone have any experience with the Tag Teading System? I am contemplating getting it for my 6 year old who is struggling with reading for Christmas. Is it worth...


Still Reading Out Loud?

G.♣. asks from Springfield

I should preface my question with the fact that my 8 year was recently diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum. I don't know if that's related or not ... sometimes...


Early Reading- Possible down Side?

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

So I've been working on early reading with my 4 year old (we are doing "teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons". We are about 20 lessons in. She really dislik...

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