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Results 71-80 from 721 articles

4Th Grade Writing Exercises

B.A. asks from Sacramento

My 4th grader writes like I used to: the shortest sentence possible with the least amount of information possible but still answers the question. No elaboration. His ...


Need a Place Where We Can Donate Toys and Take Kids Along to See How Others Live

S.P. asks from Kansas City

Our kids just seem to be so greedy. After the holidays (both Christmas and Hanukkah because the ex is one religion and we are another!), they have so many toys we do...


Kids Don't Listen to Me!

C.S. asks from Tampa

I have two boys, a 3 yr old and a 19 month old. They don't listen to me and walk all over me! They listen to everyone else and when I'm not around they are good. I am...


To Cut or Not to Cut....Bangs

B.O. asks from Grand Rapids

This is kind of a silly question....My dd will be 3 in July. She has beautiful long (mid back when dry) curly hair. To this point she has had bangs which has not al...


Toddler Growing Out Hair

L.H. asks from Raleigh

I got such great responses to my last request about the nails and sunblock, I decided to keep the theme going (toddler grooming) and ask about my 14-month-old daughte...


When and How to Quit Dummy?

A.T. asks from Honolulu

My 1 and a half years old son is a serious dummy addict. He can't sleep without it. He starts getting teel bevel problem which makes me worried. Please advice. Than...


I Don’t Want a Neighborhood Kid to Be Friends with My Son (Sorry, Long Story)

D.S. asks from Columbus

There’s a kid in the neighborhood about a year older than my son that I just don’t like but that’s very close to my son. There have been many little things, but...


Putting Baby to Sleep on Her Back

C. asks from Tampa

My newborn refuses to sleep by herself during naps or at nighttime. Any good practices to get her over this? Worried about when she goes to Daycare and will need to ...


Toy Suggestions for 5 Month Old

S.H. asks from Dallas

Hi ya'll, I have a 5 month old boy who has really enjoyed the Rainforest Jumperoo activity center. I am wondering what to get him next, as I'm sure he will eventuall...


Product Recommendations for Curls in Fine Hair?

Q.1. asks from Portland

I grew my hair out and was surprised to find that I actually have some curls going on toward the bottom (but never at the top when my hair was short?). I have very f...

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Answer Highlights

  • him write a sentence in 2 answers "I quiz him on them and then make him write a sentence using the word."
  • bobby pins in 2 answers "... to hold the bangs back, or pin the bangs back behind her ears with bobby pins ..."
  • hubby talk to the dad in 2 answers "I would have hubby talk to the dad."
  • make other arrangements in 2 answers "... this just gives them room to wheedle). You will need to make other arrangements ..."
  • never cut her hair in 2 answers "... second daughter had very curly hair when she was a baby. I never cut her hair ..."