7 week old constipated

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My 5 Month Old Is Always Constipated!?!?!?!?

B.M. asks from Flagstaff

My son has been constipated since he was about 1 month old. He is now going on six months and nothing has changed. He will go four or five days without having a bowel...


My 5 Month Old Son Is Constipated Help!!

A.F. asks from Stationed Overseas

My 5 month old son has been constipated for a couple days now. My grandfather told me a home remedy of just putting a teaspoon of sugar in his bottles. (he was a medi...


Constipated 6 Month Old! HELP!

D.V. asks from San Francisco

HELLO ALL, I know its been asked before, but I have to ask. I have a 6 1/2 month old baby boy. He is so constipated, he was exclusively breast fed for about 4 1/2...


My 2 Year Old Daughter Is Constipated!!!

M.C. asks from Denver

Hi! I have a 2 year old who has been had trouble with constipation since I stopped nursing at 11 months. Since then, we have given her a small glass of prune juice d...


Continuously Constipated 10 Month Old

S.P. asks from Santa Fe

My little girl Lucy has been constipated for the last month. It was right at the time that she started to eat solids on a regular basis, so I know that is the culprit...


2 Year Old Little Constipated

S.J. asks from San Francisco

Hi, My son was constipated 2 weeks ago. Did not go #2 for almost 2 days. He has gone but it's been really really solid, almost like little rocks. I think it might ...


Constipated Baby

N.L. asks from Philadelphia

Any advice on what I can do for my baby that just cant make a bowel movement without hurting......she is on Soy and takes Zantac twice a day for Acid Reflux. The doc...


My Child Is So Constipated!

A.A. asks from Columbus

I have a beautiful 20-month-old daughter Emily. About every other day she poops and it is so hard that she screams and sometimes strains so hard that she bleeds or th...


7 Mo. Old Great at Eating New Foods but Constipated Now

L.O. asks from Dallas

Help! my daughter is eating more "real" foods and now is constipated...why? I have been giving prunes, applesauce along with veggies hoping this would help...the othe...


Colicky 7 Week Old Seems Misreable During the Day

L.G. asks from Decatur

Help! I'm grandma, and in my day we called it "colic". My 7 week old granddaughter sleeps as you'd expect (with two feedings) during the night, but when she's awake...

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