6 month old sleeping a lot

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6 Month Old Not Rolling Over

L.P. asks from Chicago

My baby girl is 6 months and 3 weeks. She does not roll over. She has been sitting up for over a month. She hates being on her tummy. do you think I should be concern...


6 Month Old Night Time Feedings and Sleeping All Night

J.S. asks from Sacramento

My 6 month old wakes up between 3 and 5 each night. He has just began solids, so his intake is very little. I've managed to eliminate a night time feeding around 1...


6 Month Old Waking up a Lot at Night Still

S.Q. asks from Eugene

My son has never been a good sleeping, still waking up every 1-2 hours, here and there a rare 4 hour stretch. He'll often wake up with in 40 minutes of going to bed. ...


6 Month Old - Sleeping Problem

B.H. asks from Atlanta

I am new to this and need advice. My baby will turn 6 months in a couple of weeks. I need some help with getting her to sleep at night. The only way she will fall ...


Help, My 6 Month Old Is Sleeping like a Newborn Again *Sigh*

D.A. asks from Austin

Hi, I am hoping the mom's on this list may have had experience with sleep trouble and how to resolve them. My 6 month old was getting 5-6 hours of sleep on good nigh...


6 Month Old Not Sleeping Well After Introducing Green Beans

B.R. asks from Indianapolis

My 6 month old recently started on solids. He's been eating rice cereal now for a few weeks. He's had a week of sweet potatoes, and two days ago we started green be...


11 Month Old Not Eating a Lot!

T.M. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas! I'm new at this and don't if I should be worried. My 11 month old is not taking his formula as much as he usually does. He started table foods about 2 mo...


My Son Is 6 Months and Having Sleeping Problems

M.W. asks from Tampa

Hi everyone I have a slight problem. My son is 6 months old and all of a sudden he's not sleeping through the night. Now he's changing the time he gets up to an earli...


8 Month Old Wakes up a Lot During Night

H.L. asks from Burlington

I have seen the sleep issue posted and discussed many times but I am still struggling with my 8 month old waking several times during the night. We put our son to b...


6 1/2 Month Old with Sleeping Issues

T.P. asks from Charlotte

I guess my question is two part. First of all my 6 1/2 month old baby boy is a mainstay in between my husband and I in our use-to-be-roomy king size bed. It seems t...

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