6 month old not pooping

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Results 71-80 from 1,960 articles

Breastfed Baby with Pooping Issues

J.E. asks from Oklahoma City

I have a soley breasfed boy who will be 7 mths old in one week and I have been introducing him to solid foods recently. He mainly likes squash, carrots, & sweet pot....


5 Year Old Refuses to Wipe Herself After Pooping

T.K. asks from Cincinnati

My daughter is 5 years old and she starts Kindergarten in just a couple of weeks. I've been working with her on wiping her self after she poops but she refuses to do ...


Advice on a 41/2 Yr. Old's Pooping Issue

J.G. asks from Cleveland

I have asked for advice before on this and I am truly at a loss here. My 4 1/2 year old son absolutley refuses to go poop on the toilet. When I say I have tried every...


6 Month Old Having 6-9 Bowel Movements a Day for at Least 7 Weeks

M.M. asks from Detroit

Hi there--I am looking any suggestions or even similar experiences. I have a 6 month old that has had GI trouble since he was born. He has a sensitivity to dairy (w...


6 Month Old Sleep Issues

J.M. asks from Boston

Hi All= My 15 lb cute little baby had been doing pretty well at night with only one feed and back to sleep pretty easily. We decided to take her out of the swaddle...


2 Month 3 Week Old Only Pooping Once Every Other Day

J.W. asks from Chicago

My son Aiden is 2 mon 3 wks old and eats about 4 oz every 3.5 - 4 hours. I noticed he is only have a bowel movement only once every other day. I've tried thining out ...


6 Month Old Waking Every Two Hours at Night

J.C. asks from Medford

Hi Mama's! Any advice? My 6 month old has been a poor sleeper from the get go - but I am exhausted now! She wakes every 2 hours (at best) at night and the only th...


How Much/often to Feed 6 Month Old

D.M. asks from Columbus

Hey moms, I need some advice. I am in the process of introducing various solids to my 6 m.o. I am making my own baby food as well as nursing him at various times th...


4 1/2 Year Old Still Pooping and Peeing in His Pants

S.P. asks from Dallas

Help! My 4 1/2 year old is still pooping and peeing in his pants. He is able to poop and pee on the potty and stays dry and poop free while he's sleeping. Howeve...


6 Month Old Spits up Liquids but Not Solids!

C.L. asks from Athens

My son was a preemie and has been on thick formula and oatmeal or breast milk and oatmeal since he was one month old. The doctors said it was acid reflux and that wou...

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Answer Highlights

  • book super baby food by ruth in 2 answers "... babyfood and follow alot of what they say in the book Super Baby Food by Ruth ..."
  • watered down apple juice in 2 answers "... the foods and increase his liquids a little (water or watered down apple juice ..."
  • main source of nutrition in 2 answers "So breastfeeding should definitely still be the main source of nutrition for a 6-month ..."
  • how much solid food in 2 answers "... the amount --keep nursing first and let him guide you in how much solid food ..."
  • pooping every other day in 2 answers "Pooping every other day is TOTALLY normal unless you feel like he is in real pain ..."