4 month old startle reflex

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Results 21-30 from 181 articles

At Wits End with 3 Month Old!

N.H. asks from Redding

Hello, I am hoping someone might have some advice that we have not already thought of! My now 3 month old daughter has been a super fussy baby from about week 3. She ...


Transitioning 5 Month Old from Sleep Swaddle

G.M. asks from Washington DC

We have swaddled our 5 month old son for naps and night time sleep since he was two weeks old and it has worked out great. He has gotten too big and strong for the s...


3-Month-old Won't Sleep

R.L. asks from Rochester

Hi-- I have a beautiful 3-month-old boy. Lately he has been giving me and my husband a hard time when it comes to sleeping at night. We give him his bottle and most o...


3 Month Old That Won't Take Naps!

L.S. asks from Austin

Hello fellow moms! I am a first time sah mom to a beautiful, healthy 3 month old boy, and I'm at a loss on how to get him to take naps during the day.The swing and vi...


Help - 3 Month Old Won't Nap

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I just spent 2 hours trying to get my 3 month old down to sleep for the night -- usually he doesn't have any problems going to bed at night, but he's so overly tired ...


Can't Sleep on Back

M.S. asks from Washington DC

My 12-week old son's startle reflex keeps him from sleeping soundly on his back. He wakes himself up minutes after we put him down in his crib for naps or for the ni...


Seeking Advice for Cranky 5 Month Old Who Refuses to Nap

J.G. asks from St. Louis

I have a 5 month old baby boy who up until 4 months old was the happiest baby I have ever seen. Most days he would not even cry once, slept great at night, napped gre...


Mom of One-month-old Who Won't Sleep Alone

H.S. asks from San Diego

My baby girl is one month old and will only fall asleep on my husband or I at night. If we try to put her in her cradle after she falls asleep she screams. The result...


9 Month Old Son Biting!

S.B. asks from Phoenix

My son is 9.5 he just resently started biting us. Esecially whne we disipline him(bop his hand and tell him no) he will try to bite us! I've tried bopping his mouth b...


4 Mo Wont Sleep Alone at Night HELP!

L.P. asks from El Paso

My 4 mo son wont sleep alone at night. We place is playpen right next to the bed at night. He'll be fast asleep in my arms or on the couch but as soon as his back tou...

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