36 weeks fetal development

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Results 51-60 from 70 articles

When to Stop Breastfeeding

J.N. asks from Lincoln

I am looking for opinions on when it is ok to stop breastfeeding. I nursed my 1st child to 11 mo, second didn't work out so well, and was only able to nurse for 7 we...


What's the Deal with Natural Childbirth ?

S.B. asks from Gainesville

I'll be 33 weeks this week, and as the day gets closer I have more and more people ask me if I'm going to do it natural . To me, I don't understand the big deal. Does...


Due Date Changed Due to Ultrasound?

C.N. asks from Chicago

My original due date was October 4, but it was changed to September 18 based on my 27 week ultrasound (my first ultrasound). I've heard that later ultrasounds are no...


Weight Loss in First Trimester

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey moms! I am about 8wks pregnant and have a question. When I got pregnant I was about 40lbs or so overweight. I quickly gained 8lbs which totally freaked me out....



K.G. asks from New York

Thanks for all of the advice.


Just Curious, What Did You or Didn't You Do While Pregnant?

B.B. asks from Missoula

I just read a post about having an occasional drink while pregnant, and it got me thinking about all the other things we aren't supposed to do for these nine months. ...


Castor Oil to Induce Labor

M.L. asks from Lakeland

I know I will probably get alot of mixed responses about this. Please only respond if you have personal experience with this. I am almost to my due date....well pas...


Should I Be Induced? What Are Your Experiences?

C.F. asks from Salt Lake City

I am due with my second child on December 20th. Today at my appointment we asked my doctor about being induced he said that he is on call on the 13th & 14th and we c...


2 Vessel Cord?

C.C. asks from Buffalo

I had my 20-week ultrasound last week and they discovered the umbilical cord has only 2 vessels instead of the normal 3. While the doctor didn't seem overly concerned...


Seeking Advise on Breach Baby

A.F. asks from Des Moines

I am pregnant with my second child and could go into labor at any time. My first pregnancy was a textbook pregnancy and this pregnancy has been also with the exceptio...

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