32 week old baby

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Having a Baby at 41

J.B. asks from Detroit

hi all, thanks for your answers to my questions in the past. today my question is quite serious: does anyone have any information or know anything about having a b...


Baby Food

E.M. asks from Louisville

i have heard many things about this now, when i had my daughter they were saying start baby food and cereal at 4 months now i have heard 6 and 4. what is right? shes ...


Having Baby #2?

M.Y. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I are planning on having baby #2 soon. I have a 10 1/2 month old son that's very energetic and active. He definitely keeps me on my toes everyday. I a...


Baby "Slings"

J.H. asks from Sacramento

Hi there! I have a 10 1/2 week old son and I am curious about the baby slings. I recieved a Slingrider sling, that is supposedly for the ages birth to 12 months. I ...


Constipated Baby

N.L. asks from Philadelphia

Any advice on what I can do for my baby that just cant make a bowel movement without hurting......she is on Soy and takes Zantac twice a day for Acid Reflux. The doc...


Baby Not Growing

J.O. asks from Salt Lake City

I am 34 weeks pregnant and my baby is growing very slowly. I went to the doctor yesterday and she has only grown a couple days in size where she should have grown a ...


Should I Have Another Baby???

J.L. asks from Minneapolis

My husband and I are talking about having another child. We have been married for 6 years, and currently have two daughters ages 5 and 4. I'll be 30 yrs old next mo...


Early Baby?

B.B. asks from Dallas

I am 33 weeks pregnant, and over the last weekend I had a tiny bit of pink mucus for 2 days. I know that wasn't the entire plug yet, but everything else (like diahrea...


My Baby's Menu

E.S. asks from New York

ok so my son Joshua is 7month and 3 weeks i been giving him 2nd foods for the past 2 month now veg. and frut. a friend has a baby one month younger than Josh and shes...


How Old Is Too Old for a New Baby?

L.Z. asks from Lancaster

I am 36 and already have a 10yr old son. My boyfriend and I keep considering having another child. I worry about my age and having a healthy child. I also have been c...

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