3 month old baby not eating as much

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Conflicting Information About How Much Baby Should Be Eating

R.L. asks from St. Louis

Hi everyone, I just had a question about how much my almost 10 week old should be eating. First off, I have returned to work (I only work 4 hours/day 3 days a week)...


2.5-Mo-old Not Eating Much?

K.G. asks from Dallas

Our 2nd boy was born on May 1st and he's a gem! We're relearning all the new parent stuff and one thing is feeding...we don't think he's eating "enough"--whatever tha...


5-Month Old Not Eating Much During the Day

T.R. asks from Denver

My 5-month old daughter is only eating 2-3 ounces per feeding during the day. She gets so distracted and loses interest quickly. Then, of course, she's eating about...


Eating Schedule for 3 Month Old

K.C. asks from Chicago

What is the average eating schedule for a 3 month old? Eating every 3 or 4 hours? Thx!


4 Month Old Eating Too Much?

S.K. asks from Lansing

Hi Moms, My daughter, who is 16 weeks old weighs about 12 pounds. I know this is average for her age group. Anyway, she's eating 6 ounces of formula every 2 1/2 to...


How Much?

M.R. asks from Seattle

so i jsut switched makenzie to formula..and im wondering, how much is average for a 3 month old to eat per feeding? i didnt get much sleep last night because she woul...


Baby Not Eating Much and Definately Favoring One Breast over Other

K.S. asks from Dallas

My baby girl is exclusively breastfed and ever since Saturday she hasnt eaten much. She's 3 months old and she went from eating every 2 hours to not eating for 4-6 ho...


3-Month Old Eating Habits

C.J. asks from Dallas

I'm a first time SAHM to an almost 3 month old baby boy, whom I exclusively breastfeed. I'm concerned because his eating habits just started to change (from eating e...


How Much Formula for a 3 Month Old??

L.P. asks from Chicago

Hello, I would just like a general idea of how much your 3 month old drinks a day. I currently have a 3 month old on formula and sometimes I feel like she eats so mu...


How Much Is to Much

E.G. asks from Chicago

Hello everyone, I have a wonderful 4 month old boy and I was just wondering how much is he suppose to be eating and for how long. I feed my son about 4 oz or 5oz ever...

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Answer Highlights

  • 3 oz every 3 hours in 2 answers "My daughter ate 3 oz every 3 hours.... generally 7am, 10, 1, 4, 7, and 10pm."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "I would recommend La Leche League."
  • increase your milk supply in 2 answers "... pumping more like every 2 hours to see if your can increase your milk supply ..."
  • formula fed babies in 5 answers "... my breastfed baby ate smaller amounts more often and the formula fed babies ..."
  • lactation consultant in 6 answers "I took her to a lactation consultant and my family practice doctor."