18 month pregnancy

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Possible Pregnancy Nerves

I got pregnant with our third child when the second was only 8 mos old. They are 18 months apart and we love them dearly. They are teenagers now, ...

18 Weeks Pregnant-pain in Pelvic Region

Read all 8 responses: "Hi, I am 2 days shy of 18 weeks pregnant. With my first pregnancy I started getting these pains around 8-9 months of pregnancy where ...

Severe Backache Pain with Second Pregnancy

I started seeing a chiropractor for my back pain when my son was 18 months, and I'm still seeing him as I go through this pregnancy. ...

Potty Training 18 Month Old - Anyone with Experience at This Age??

Read all 4 responses: "My 18 month old is showing signs that she's ready to potty ... He probably could've been trained sooner except I got pregnant and ...

Getting Pregnant After Missed Abortion.

i was skeptical, but sure enough, 2 months (so on the first try!) after the procedure i got pregnant and had a perfectly healthy boy. he's now 18 months. ...

18 Month Old Gets Carsick

Read all 15 responses: "Hi everyone, My 18 month old daughter gets ... They work great for pregnancy morning sickness and are meant for motion sickness. ...

Do Stretch Marks Get Worse with Each Pregnancy?

Read all 18 responses: "I was just curious about this. I got horrible stretch marks from my pregnancy with my 9 month old son. I refer to them as "fissures" ...

Getting off Depression Med's for Pregnancy

Could you try Prozac for during your pregnancy? I took Prozac through both my pregnancies and my kids are ... 18 month pregnancy · 18 months pregnancy ...

I Am 16 Weeks Pregnant and Just Found Out! TOTALLY FREAKED OUT!

hi i have an 18 month old and went through the same theing didnt find out i was pregnant till three months later and was completely overwhelmed freaked out ...

Feeding My 18 Month Old

Read all 15 responses: "I don't know what to feed my 18 month old. She doesn't seem to care for the baby food and most adult foods that my husband and I eat ...
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