14 month old separation anxiety

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Results 41-50 from 774 articles

How to Ease Separation Anxiety in an Almost 4 Year Old

H.F. asks from Washington DC

My son has always been more attached to me than his older sister, but he recently started screaming and clinging to me when I leave him at preschool (3 days a week) a...


Is My 14 Month Old Having Nightmares??

E.S. asks from Detroit

My 14 month old who has only been sleeping through the night for 3 months now, is randomly waking up in the middle of the night! He is crying so hard, and screaming ...


Advice on Seperation Anxiety

J.O. asks from Cleveland

Hi I am really not a new mom, but do have a problem that I have not ever had to deal with My grown son is 29 I adopted him at 11 ,and I am now raising my nephews ...


14 Month Old and Sleep!!!

K.B. asks from Pittsburgh

We have a 14 month old daughter. She usually sleeps from about 7pm - 6:30 or 7:00am but in the past week and a half she has been waking up anywhere from 4am to 5:30a...


Social Anxiety in 4 Yr Old

E.G. asks from San Francisco

Over the last few months my 4 yr old daughter has become increasingly resistent to going to school. She says she just wants to stay home with mommy. When I go to pick...


Pre-school Anxiety

M.R. asks from St. Louis

My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and was being watched by her Grandmother since birth. Unfortunately, Grandma and I couldn't get along to where things were being said ...


Seperation Anxiety

S.O. asks from St. Louis

My seven month old daughter has started with the seperation anxiety. When we visit friends and family members (that she has seen over and over) she freaks out when th...


Crying and Whining in a 14 Month Old Boy

K.H. asks from Boston

Hi all. I have a 4 year old daughter and a 14 month old son. My son, for the past 3 months, has been crying and whining nonstop. It makes it very difficult to be home...


Help! Traveling Hubby Causing Severe Anxiety!

J.M. asks from New York

Hi moms, Does anyone have a hubby who travels for varying lengths of time but often? My 2.5 yr. old is experiencing extreme separation anxiety. She is having nightma...


Anyone Knows of a Good Book or Video for the Separation for Preschool???

H.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I have a 2.5 year old boy, and he's just started camp, AKA separation... i've been with him since day one, i've left him overnight with my parents, left him on ...

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Answer Highlights

  • book called the kissing hand in 2 answers "And has anyone mentioned the book called the Kissing Hand?"
  • by audrey penn in 2 answers "And has anyone mentioned the book called the Kissing Hand? by Audrey Penn I believe?"
  • only last a few minutes in 2 answers "And really, the tears you may see when you leave only last a few minutes."
  • try putting socks in 2 answers "Another thing, try putting socks on her feet after she is asleep, so if that is what's ..."
  • wearable blanket in 2 answers "my other thought was a Sleep Sack/Wearable Blanket."