13 year old boy gift

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Xmas Gift Ideas

B.A. asks from Detroit

Does anyone have any gift ideas for 10-13 year old boys? Since I am the mother of a 4 year old and 10-month old, I have lost touch with what it is that pre-teenage b...


Babyshower for Our 2Nd Boy

M.M. asks from San Francisco

Hi ladies, Im pregnant with our second baby boy. Yes, our frist child is also a boy (3yo). I wasn't going to do a babyshower because I have almost everything from ...


Gift Ideas for a 1 Year Old

M.B. asks from Sacramento

My younger son's 1st birthday is approaching next month and I am stumped when it comes to suggestions to my family and friends when they ask "what should I get him fo...


Need Advice on Inappropriate Gift

S.L. asks from Springfield

For Christmas, my brother is sending my just two-year old a motorized toy Jeep Rubicon. It is the kind the the child sits in and drives, and can go between 2.5 and 5 ...


Baby Shower Gift Ideas

J.W. asks from Boston

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with a creative yet inexpensive gift idea. We've been invited to a shower but had not budgeted for it since originally they weren'...


2Nd Boy on the Way

J.S. asks from Dallas

Hey there ladies, I need some advice. I have a 13 month old boy and I am due with our second boy in May. What advice can you give to me about having a second child....


Ideas for Yearly Birthday Gift

A.K. asks from Chicago

Hi All - My son will be turning 1 in September. I have heard of parents doing a gift along a certain theme each year that can be a keepsake of some sort. For ex...


Gift Idea for Nephew

A.M. asks from Peoria

To make a long story short my nephew, my husbands sisters little boy, is turning one in Nov and I need some gift ideas. We only see her every couple of years as she ...


No Toy Christmas Gift Ideas

S.B. asks from Dallas

The Christmas season is right around the corner. I am already being hit up for gift ideas from the Grandparents. My children have plenty of toys. Santa will be br...


Need a Bday Gift Idea for a 6 Yr Old, Quick

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

What gift can I get for a 6 yr old. He's in a playgroup I just joined so I don't know him well. He is very active, into sports & has a lot already but I want to ge...

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