11 Month old with fever

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How Can I Shake off This Baby Fever...

T.V. asks from New York

...without actually having one?? I know what is bringing it on, my youngest is 3, so he really isn't a baby anymore. The baby stage is my favorite. I stay at home wit...


Exposed My 11 Month Old to Strep Throat, Help!

M.A. asks from Seattle

I unknowingly exposed my 11 month old son to strep throat. I found out this evening that I have strep throat and am really worried that my 11 month old son will get i...


10 Month Old with Roseola

E.N. asks from San Diego

Hi! I believe my 10 month old daughter has Roseola. She had a high fever for 4 days, during that time i took her to the doctors twice-and everything was fine, just a...


Seeking Any Help with a Difficult 11 Year Old Stepson Who Treats His Dad Badly.

H.K. asks from Scranton

My stepson is now 11 years old. I have known his dad since he was 4. We got married in 2004. My husband moved 86 miles away from his son. We have custody every other ...


3 Month Old with Cold

S.H. asks from Austin

I have a 3 month old who has a really bad cold. She has a cough and stuffy nose. I have tried the saline nose spray for the stuffy nose and it has not helped. I asked...


Sleep and the 81/2 Month Old

S.O. asks from Omaha

My 8 1/2 month old just decided to stop sleeping at night. Sunday night he started this thing when ever he gets tired if you lay him in to his crib he starts to screa...


4 Month Old Not Sleeping

L.K. asks from Chicago

I have a 4 month old who was sleeping for 3-5 hours at a time and now he will not fall asleep. He kicks and moves around and arches his back and crys. He is eating f...


Daily Routine Needed! & Cabin Fever!!!

S.D. asks from Cheyenne

Reading through some of the discipline request, I noted the mention of creating a schedule at home, for daily routines. Does anyone have a template for this? Smile....


7 Month Old Not Eating

N.S. asks from Chicago

Hello moms, I have a 7 month old who on Saturday night around 10 pm, vomited twice - her oatmeal/squash and then her formula. She has been drooling for over a mon...


Sick 2 Month Old.

A.S. asks from Phoenix

Hello all.. first time asking for advise. I have a two month old son. (my 1st week back to work and it's horrible) He's come down with a cold. He has a cough. No r...

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  • vicks vapor rub in 3 answers "I love vicks vapor rub. I wouldnt put it directly on her sensitive skin because it ..."
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