do you think it could be amniotic fluid? If so, a simple test by the dr will ease your mind.
Another thought...falling under TMI: pregnancy=hormonal rushes. So (omg) maybe arousal?
just slap me now....
Hi mamas from all over! How is it going? I'm 7 plus weeks with my second, my 1st is 9 months strong, and something strange just happened to me. I got up to go use the bathroom. I noticed that my panties felt wet and when i looked down at the couch there was this big wet spot. I went to the bathroom and noticed that my panties were wet with a clear and almost odorless liquid. But I didn't have anything running down my legs. What could it be? I'm worried.
do you think it could be amniotic fluid? If so, a simple test by the dr will ease your mind.
Another thought...falling under TMI: pregnancy=hormonal rushes. So (omg) maybe arousal?
just slap me now....
It's PROBABLY urine. (Yay. Incontinence at random intervals... another fun thing people conveniently forget to mention.)
I would take my panties into the doctor's office, today, personally. It's possibly amniotic fluid, but at 7 weeks, I would be surprised if there was as much as I'm thinking from your description.
It's REALLY common (they do this test all the time). Just ring them up and take them in. They'll probably also want to do a vaginal swab/exam & blood test for hcg levels (the need to do 2 blood tests, though... for comparison to see if levels are raising or lowering).
my sil has this happen quite often she is not pregnant but bc of her pregnancy she now has unccontroled bladder, she does not feel full to go it just happens, she is looking into getting her bladder fixed with some kind of mesh thing. if it was blood id be more concerned, just call your doc to get some reassurance.
Not to diminish your concern but if you are only at 7 weeks it sounds like you peed yourself. The sofa probably soaked it up.
I would call your doctor just to be sure.
The type of discharge you are describing is normal - I have read that it is this type of discharge that sometimes alerts women to the fact that they are pregnant.
I had to wear pads for the first two trimesters of my current pregnancy. I don't remember having this issue so much with my first child. Excessive discharge is in the realm of normal - mine was also accompanied by an odd odor - no doubt hormone induced. Sometimes it was clear - sometimes yellow/brownish. They say the only color worth your worry is red. I am great big pregnant now and my discharge is back to the realm of normal.
Oh, and I just remembered. Real early on in my pregnancy (before I started using pads), I soaked through a skirt and my mom said that it looked like I had sat in something. I agreed with her, although I knew what it really was - oops!
I am also 7 plus weeks preggo and I have the samething. Think its pretty normal :) Congrats by the way. I have my first doc appointment tomorrow!