Pyschiatrist in Huntington Beach Area

Updated on August 14, 2008
J.H. asks from Westminster, CA
5 answers

I'm looking for a good Psychiatrist in the HB, Newport area. I have been struggling with anxiety/depression for a while but not treating it. I really need to do something about it. I would like to go to a Dr. who can prescribe meds and also have counseling there. Any recommendations??

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answers from Los Angeles on

I am sorry I don't have a specific reconmendation for you. I just want to say good for you for taking care of your health. Perhaps if you want counseling you should seek a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist. They tend to be much better at talk therapy and usually work in conjuction with an MD to see that you receive the medication you need. They tend to be less costly as well. I hope you find what you need, and feel better soon.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,
Your regular MD should be able to refer you. The best doctors I have were referrals by GP. And because they are referring you, you should be able to stay in your insurance network.

Best of luck to you!



answers from Los Angeles on

I have the best Dr. I really like him. And the BEST person to describe you meds is a Psychiatrist. That's why they spent all those years in school. He really took the time to figure out the root of my depression and anxiety.

Monaco Renato MD
1506 Lincoln Ln, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hello J., My name is A.. I have struggled with the same problems. I Have tried meds and it helped but I didn't want to depend on them. I have tried a drink called 7plus from Exfuse. It has made my anxiety and my mood swings completely go away. It is a multi-botanical drink, it helps with all sorts of things. If you are intersted and would like to try it you can email me at and I would more then happy to get you a free bottle.
A. Cope

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