Perforated Eardrum?

Updated on February 21, 2010
M.N. asks from Bronx, NY
4 answers

Anyone know how soon after a perforated eardrum one can start exercising again? I didn't think to ask my doctor when I saw her on Wed., but now I'm itching to get back to the gym (because I know if I don't start back up, it will be a very long road back for me...). I generally do strength training (moderate intensity) ) and I do zumba 2x/week (heavy cardio).

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So What Happened?

Hi all - thanks for the responses.

Barbara P. - it ruptured last Tues night so it's been nearly a week.

I'm going to call the doctor's and ask! I did go to the gym this a.m. and did some strength training, but no cardio.

More Answers



answers from Boston on

I think as long as you aren't swimming it would be okay but I'd call the doctor just to be sure.


answers from Dallas on

I don't think there is a restriction on that as long as you feel like it.
My son perforated his eardrum wakeboarding last summer. The doctor just told him to avoid that for a couple of weeks.
But your tear may be worse. It wouldn't hurt to give the doctor a call.



answers from Boston on

How long has it been since your eardrum was injured? My gosh, why take a chance on some permanent damage? I suggest that you find something else to do that's slower, smoother, and less stressful on your eardrum. Or do something totally different that you've wanted to do for a long time.

Jumping and dancing will jolt your head. If you ignore the pain, you could be in serious trouble. Good luck. As we tell our kids when they're itching to go out when they're sick, rest for a while, you have plenty of time to do what you want.



answers from Boston on

As long as the activity does not involve water (like swimming) I would hink it would depend on how you feel. I can't imagine that strength training would affect your eardrum.

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