Need a Weekend Getaway...

Updated on March 21, 2008
C.S. asks from Waterbury, CT
25 answers

So, instead of Christmas gifts for each other this year, my husband and I are using that money on a much needed getaway for the two of us. JUST THE TWO OF US! :) Its been almost 3 1/2 years, I think we deserve it! We love Cape Cod during the off-season because its quiet, and CHEAP. But, its 4 hours away, and its kinda a haul just to stay overnight. (I dont want to leave the kids any longer than that.) And its kinda far away from the kids in case of an emergency. We've never left them for more than a few hours, so we are taking baby steps. lol
We thought about Vermont, but with ski season we thought it would be to crazy and busy. Any thoughts of a nice place to take off for a weekend in January?????

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So What Happened?

We decided to go to Boston. We've only taken day trips there, so it will be a fun place to stay overnight. Thank you all for your input. Happy Holidays!!

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answers from New York on

Vermont would actually be perfect. Find a little cozy B & B and just snuggle up for the weekend! You dont have to worry about crazy skiers, just stay away from the slopes. VT is so pretty in January! Hve a great weekend away!!

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answers from New York on


May I suggest wine country in the Fingerlakes region in upstate New York. My hubby and I stayed at a gorgeous bb called the Pearl of Seneca in the Seneca lake. The owners were awsome, and they have a gorgeous home right by the lake. We had a great time, it is secluded and quiet and you can go to the wineries and do a lot of wine tasting, just be careful that is how I got pg, really LOL. The drive is not that bad. Hope this helps and that you find the perfect place. The bb web page is




answers from New York on

How about the Berkshires? There are a few nice B&B's there. We went to a wedding once there. Google it - I don't remember the name of the inn but I know there are a few.

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answers from Boston on

Hi Crystal, my thought was Newport, RI. It's great this time of year, not crazy busy like in the summer. They have some nice B&Bs and the Newport mansions are all dressed up and decorated for the holidays.I believe you can actually go in and visit some of them.You can get great seafood and there is some shopping along Thames St. It's right along the water and if you get a nice day you can walk along the cobblestone sidewalks. My husband grew up there and I always love to visit.Best thing it's only about a 2 hour drive. Whatever you do enjoy your alone time with your husband and have a great holiday!

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answers from Syracuse on

Hi, Crystal,

I am the proud mother of 7 grown children--4 biological and 3 adopted. I also CHOSE to be a stay-at-home mother and enjoyed all the multitude of activities and work that went into this career path. With a strong sense of love and parental responsibility I never opted to leave my children and do something with just my husband and myself. I felt all of the feelings that you expressed and felt that we should not be gone too long or too far away from the kids. We always made time for a date night at least two or three times a week where we got a babysitter and went out shopping together or for a movie or dinner. These times are a MUST for busy moms and dads.

Then one year I was talked into going with my husband and another couple on a business related trip to New Orleans (we lilve in upstate NY). My parents came to stay with the children but I still struggled on many levels with anxiety and a bit of guilt in preparing for this get-away. My husband told me later that until we were at least 200 miles from home he fully expected me to say "Turn around, I can't do this."

Well, I just want to say that this time with my husband alone was like a second honeymoon, and because it was the first time we had treated ourselves to this type of experience, I still remember fondly the wonderful time that we shared. This was not the beginning of monthly such get-aways, but we did treat ourselves to periodic ventures, and each trip I found more freedom and less guilt accompanied with the planning and preparation for these. Some of these were just one or two nights at closer places to home and a couple were longer trips further from home. I learned from this first trip (1) That the children would be just fine even if I was many miles away; and (2) The richness in our marriage would increase when we set aside special times to be away from the demands of our little ones.

The bottom line is this: I came back refreshed both physically and emotionally and my husband and I were reminded of our deep love and commitment to each other.

Five of our 7 children are daughters, and I encourage them to take time for get-aways with their husbands from time to time. I often offer to stay with the children if that is more reassuring to their anxieties because I know how invigorating this time together can be.

Your children will be just fine--in fact may love the change for a short time and you and your husband will return refreshed in your marriage and in your commitment to your children. SO, if you like Cape Cod in the off season, my suggestion is for you to do this and take the number of days that make this trip do-able. Four hours is not too far away and adding a few more days to your stay will only be a plus for everyone. The kids will do just fine--they will grow from this experience as much as you. As for emergencies and getting to them quickly--most of the times these emergencies never occur (Praise God!) and if you leave your children with people who you trust and in situations that you feel comfortable with, they will be able to take charge of the situation until you are able to get home.

You may not find my suggestions ones that you want to embrace, but either way I do hope that you and your husband commit to spending some quality and a bit lengthy piece of time together. It is a bit humbling for us mothers, but also very freeing, when we realize that someone else can step into our shoes for a short period of time. Everyone wins! In fact, my husband and I may "win" with your selling points regarding Cape Cod in off season.

Sincerely and with much admiration of you in your chosen role of motherhood. God bless your "get away!"


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answers from New York on

Atlantic City has it all spa pool high end shopping or outlets shows restaurants and try your luck. my happy place enjoy linda



answers from New York on

Here's a bed and breakfast that I highly recommend (we stayed there last February)

Its in the beautiful Berkshires of Mass - only an hour from Waterbury. (right up rt 8)

Though the only thing to do up there is Skiing in January - you may find *other* things to do :).

P.S. THE BREAKFAST IS AWESOME......and the owners - Beverly and Tony - are great hosts!

Have fun!



answers from Buffalo on

My husband and I just stayed in a resort in the Poconos for a long weekend in October. It was a couples only place (so that I didn't hear other children crying and playing and then miss mine more). The resort has 4 locations throughout the Poconos (it's a chain called Ceasars). It was a bit pricey, but includes everything except alcohol.

Hope this helps!



answers from Hartford on

Hi Crystal,
YOu could always spend the night at one of the casinos, one of the vineyards on the Ct Wine Trail,Mystic, Block Island, Boston, or even to a very nice local hotel i.e the new down town mariot in hartford, that is really nice! It is more the illusion of a getaway, but that would probably put your minds mroe at easy knowing you are not too far away!



answers from New York on

I'm not exactly sure where you live but my husband and I went away for a long weekend to Frenchtown, NJ. There is a great B&B there by the name of The Widow McCrea House. You don't have to stay in the main house as they have an amazing cottage that my husband and I stayed in with a fireplace, jacuzzi tub, etc. It was great! Very private. Then you can go shopping in Lambertville, NJ or New Hope, PA. We had a blast and it didn't break the bank. Good luck!

~Mother of 2 beautiful girls, 6 yrs. and 21 mos.~



answers from New York on

Hi Crystal,

My hubby and I love the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY - check it out!



answers from New York on

Lake Placid is nice.



answers from New York on

HI there,
Dont' know where you live, but my husband and I go to the Ramada Inn in Somerset County, NJ. 1/2 hr from Staten Island. They have a comedy weekend special for about $129. Includes indoor pool, gym, prime rib dinner with dessert and drinks, comedy show and buffet breakfast. Room has a kingsized bed and very quiet and pleasant. We have recommended this place to everyone. Just enough time away from the kiddies.



answers from Glens Falls on

per orbitz....
Candlewood Suites HARTFORD/MERIDEN
1151 EAST MAIN STREET,Meriden, CT 06450

Don't worry about going far. Stay close at a nice place near you. Use discipline to keep your distance, make the most of it,the people watching your kids have your number.
No news is good news. Go to a show or museum, or something you've been wanting to check out. Support the economy in your own area. Gas is too expensive to drive hours and hours away. CT is beautiful. I live in upstate NY and wish I could come down your way, near the water to visit. Make the most of where you are. I'm sure there's quaint things there you haven't seen. Just stay away from commercialism, and relax.



answers from New York on

what about a spa weekend there are some good ones in Connecticut a hotel w/ food included.. U can go to or
and find something near u or an hour away..
I don't know if r husband is into that..



answers from New York on

Here's a list of websites i put together for places for my in-laws... most are either in the catskills or berkshires which are both only 2 hours from where i am (new milford). the last one on the list is one of my favorites on the list....

good luck! HTH -darci

Catskills (2 hours away)



answers from New York on

Boston is wonderful. And also nearby is Lexington/Concord. Someone already suggested heading into one of the local towns (if you message me I can get you the right name-I forgot at the moment) and then taking the T right into Boston. You can get day passes for the T and it costs little. You could also cut the costs by staying outside of Boston and spending just the day there. I've been once and can't wait to go again, especially at the top of the Prudential Center. Amazing 360 degree view overlooking Boston and Cambridge. Then if you want to extend your trip you could just continue driving for about half hour to hour and go to LExington and Concord. Beautiful historic town with the Minute Men state park and old churches. There's a visitors center there with all kinds of ideas. You can't go wrong with a two day trip to this area. Only 2hrs from Waterbury, CT. Message me with any questions you have!



answers from New York on

Vermont is just as far as the Cape to be honest with you. What about Boston. You can stay just outside the city and take the T(their subway system) in. My hubby and I use to go to Boston before we had kids. And theres lots of things to do in Boston.



answers from Syracuse on

My hubby and I are planning to go on a wine tour and then stay in a little B&B for a weekend getaway at some point next year. There are a ton of wine trails and B&B's around the fingerlakes which is pretty close so you wouldn't be going too far away from the children.



answers from Albany on

Niagra Falls, Adirondacks - Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Manchester VT, Philly, Lancaster County PA. Hope this helps.



answers from New York on

Mohegan Sun is an awesome place (good food, nice rooms) but crazy on the weekends--way better to go during the week. I got engaged in Boston in January--I love it there, even in winter. And the newbury guest house is in a great locale and super cheap for the location. They have an affiliated hotel that is also supposed to be good.



answers from New York on

Try Lambertville NJ, it is close by, very pretty and there are really good places to eat. You can walk/bike for hours along the canal tow path and it is beautiful and quiet.



answers from New York on

How about the Brandywine Valley? There is the Brandywine Museum with all the Wyeth works, the Dupont estate, and Longwood Gardens. Of course, they are all decked out for the holidays. At the Dupont estate and Longwood Gardens there are indoor and outdoor displays at Longwood Gardens so bad weather won't ruin your trip. There are several motels and bed and breakfast places to stay. We were at the Brandywine Museum this fall and had a delightful, informative, free tour by Victoria Wyath, granddaughter of Andrew. She was giving tours Mon- Fri at 2 and 3 for adults. There's the added benefit of these activities giving you and your spouse plenty of time to walk and talk together. It's only about 2 hours away. Whatever you do, have fun.



answers from New York on

How about the New Paltz area? There is a resort in Kerhonkson called the Hudson Valley Resort that looks amazing...



answers from New York on

We love Cape May, NJ in the winter. It's quiet, plus there are lots of museums and things to go see. The B&Bs are nice, or you can stay at one ion Wildwood for a little cheaper (one town to the north).

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