Mystery Dinner Theaters

Updated on September 07, 2011
M.F. asks from Youngstown, OH
6 answers

I want to go to a mystery dinner theater. There is one a few hours away. I was thinking my husband and I could go on a Saturday and spend the night. Our anniverary is coming up. We never had a honeymoon. He said I am a nerd for wanting to go and I used to be cool..what happened? I asked if he would go and he said yes but that I was still a nerd...Has anyone ever gone to one? I want to go and I think it will be good for us as a couple to get away. I need to get away. I am due to have a fourth baby in March and I haven't been away longer than a few hours from my 17 month old. I need a break and he needs to spend the night without Mama so when I go to the hospital I know he will be ok if it's late and he stays with my parents.

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answers from Columbus on

My Daddy took my brother-in-law because they're both into the mystery thing and they had a good time. It was the type that got the audience very involved. I've always wanted to take my sisters because I think we'd have a blast. I think you'd enjoy it but I'd be leery of your husband ruining it for you if he's not really into it. That's why I would never take my husband!

I think it's a good idea to get away for a night but I'm not sure I'd go too far if your 17-month old has never been away from you. If he really freaks out in the middle of the night, do you really want to be driving "a few hours" to get home. Just a thought!

Good luck!!

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answers from New York on

I do not think it is nerdy! But then again, DH and I go out to Barnes and Noble for date night!! LOL :-)
Tell your hubby HE is the one who is not cool! JK...

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I have directed a couple at church, one for a youth activity and another for the adults. They were a huge success. They can be a lot of fun and worth every effort to go if they are done correctly.

Make sure what kind it is and if it is the style of activity you are looking for. Whether it is the kind where you are participating in finding the culprit, up moving around looking for clues and able to see and touch everything or just an audience member watching the actors on stage figure it out. Sometimes each person who attends is given a part to play out and they might even be the bad guy themselves.

On the other hand the ones that I directed is where there was a script with a cast. The audience members came dressed as formal as they could. We decorated the foyer at the church to look like a Victorian parlor and then each room we had them go in had numerous clues and a different activity to see.

In the Baptismal font room it was set up to look like a gardening shed with an outline of a body taped on the floor. The gardener talked to the participants and could answer any question as long as it fit into the story.

The next room they went into was the chapel over flow room, it was decorated as a music room and had everything from antique instruments to sheet music laying on the top of the piano. Anything could be a clue and then maybe nothing was, or it could be a red herring. The cast in this room was the widow.

Then they went to the all purpose rooms that are off the kitchen and used by the youth. It was decorated as a Victorian library. The majority of actual clues were in this room and the garden shed. The cast in this room was the maid, the butler (my hubby in his tux with tails he married me in), the dead guys son and his wife. Fancy Hors D'oeuvres were served by the maid in this room along with punch. I made tuxedo strawberries, all kinds of special treats, and the punch was some concoction that made you just want to sit and slurp out of the bowl.

Then the groups went in to dinner where they sat with the people they had traveled from room to room with. They had a lovely dinner on real china with real stemware and washable silverware, not plastic or

The cast sat at a single table together and as the meal progressed there were some clues given by way of dialogues arguments about wills and money or some invention that would make the person who had the plans very very rich. Each table got to decide on one solution as to who and why.

It was so much fun they wanted to do it again and again.

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answers from Dallas on

I've been to two, both in different states and thouroughly enjoyed myself both times! My hubby wasn't into it at first but as we all started conversing and eating he then got into it and was fun to find out the ending at the evening to see how correct we all were (we weren't). Totally do it, your husband may break out of his shell like mine did and realize there are more things that are fun besides football or gaming.

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answers from Washington DC on

What's wrong with a mystery dinner theatre? They're fun! We've gone with and without the kids. Why is he being insulting? So you do the dinner for you and you do something for him. No name calling required.

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answers from Lexington on

LOL I'm actually IN one right now. It's a fun time and the crowd gets into it. :) I say go, have a great time.

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