How Do You Move Cars Around in the Driveway???

Updated on November 21, 2012
L.O. asks from Sterling Heights, MI
14 answers

This happened at 630 am... it was still dark and very very foggy. My nanny came and parked behind me in our double driveway. (i was in the garage).... when it was time for me to leave -- i reminded her that she had to move her car.. so she pulled out behind me.. I thought she would pull intot he street so I could pull out.. (it was super dark and verry very foggy.. but she pulled right into the other side of the driveway. I couldnt see he car...(my truck is high--her car is low).. and it was so foggy.. so I bumped into her car.. --I have to pull into the garage at an angle and pull out at an angle as the garage is so small.

I was absolutely surprised taht she moved her car into the driveway--while i was backing up and it was pea soup fog.. I would have waited in the street for the car to back up...

of course I will pay for the damages.. but am I crazy to expect someone to move out of the way when a car is backing up/

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answers from San Antonio on

Being that she needed to get back into the house to watch the kids, I'm with her in that I would have just moved the car to the other side of the driveway.

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answers from St. Louis on

I always assume people are paying attention to where cars are moving around. I always wait until the other car or cars have stopped and I have identified where they stopped at, then I go. My kids do the same. Just not a good idea to move when there are moving vehicles around you and you don't know if they are still moving until you see the stop, right? Which also tells you where they are at.

Should you expect someone to move out of the way of a car backing up, how? By the time she realized you hadn't looked behind you, the side mirror, by the time she realized you were going to hit her she would not have had time to put the car in reverse and got out of your way.

If you had been watching her back out you would have seen her pull back up. I know it is embarrassing but this is all you.

If you are wondering I watched my ex back into someone on our driveway, that is why I make sure I know where everyone is before I move. Kind of my take away from what he did.

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answers from Sacramento on

Did the two discuss ahead of time where she would go? Honestly, you were driving the car as you backed out so you should have taken precautions.

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answers from Detroit on

I bet you're embarrassed. Don't be. Accidents happen. I have come very close to hitting my mother's car even though I KNEW it was on the other side of the driveway! I wouldn't blame either you or the babysitter. It's just one of those things that happens. Don't worry about it, especially since you are paying for the damages. If you're worried it will happen again, just be specific next time - say, "Can you please pull into the street while I back out?"

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answers from Lansing on

I'm guessing the babysitter didn't know you parked at an angle in the garage. So I honestly have to say, I'm on the babysitters side for this one.

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answers from Seattle on

Ouch...and yes I personally would have waited in the street. Angle or no angle I'd imagine she knows what size car you drive and would need navigating room. But, you will have to cover the deductible. And you'll unlikely never back into her again.

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answers from Seattle on

Both ways.

In my driveway, people usually just pull over to the other side. (Busy street)
In my mums driveway people are 50/50.

Don'tcha just HATE it when your brain goes in automatic? In my own life, there's usually a "crunch" of one kind or another involved when I do that. Even if its just a time crunch because I was on autopilot to point A, when I was going to point B instead!

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answers from Washington DC on

I would have stayed in the street til the car was moved. That said, I've also paid for damages to my neighbor's car when I misjudged getting out of my driveway and hit their bumper. The fog may have also contributed.

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answers from Houston on

You can't "expect" anyone to ever do anything that is sensible. You always have to look and check, and check again.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I hate the driveway tango! I tell ALL my company to stay out of my driveway!!!


True Story:
We have a 2 car garage but we only park one car in it. We have always had a 2nd car but would park it on the street. When we got the oldest SS a new car we moved our 2nd car into the driveway (b/c it gets used the least and our city doesn't like cars that sit on the street) that way SS's car could have the spot on the street.

First morning after it is there, husband is on auto-pilot and backs right out smashing the passenger side mirror off our 2nd car, thankfully no damage is done to our #1 car. I let him have it but good! "Are you kidding me? How can you not see a HUGE car while you are backing up"?? I mean I really let him have it, I was mad!

6 months later, I had backed 2nd car into the driveway. Next morning I go to leave and what do I do?? I back right out into the car, taking off what? Yep, you guessed it...the driver's side mirror off our 2nd car AND putting a small scrape on our #1 car...which was WAY worse than what husband had done!! Oiy, I felt so stoopid!

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answers from Cleveland on

I have this exact scenario sometimes with our nanny (though she's moving our car vs hers) and she always stays clear in the street until I'm out and then pulls back in the driveway. I'd be annoyed if she pulled back in the driveway bc it's not as quick for me to wait for her and I'm always frantically rushed trying to get to work so I want out of there before she reparks. But - my kids are older so fine to have them in the kitchen alone for several minutes so she doesn't need to rush. If your kids are super young, maybe she was rushing for that reason?... In general though, yes, I wait in the street before I repark unless the driver of the other car motions or hasn't started it yet so it seems like a waste of time to just sit there - or it's a busy street so I can't just sit there... How busy the street is a factor come to thnk of it. Maybe she didn't feel comfortable hanging out and blocking traffic?

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answers from Jacksonville on

If it were me, and you asked me to move my car, and I was going right back in the house (to watch your kids), then I would have moved the car and parked as quickly as possible so as to go back inside and watch the kids. Probably not sat out in the street until you had left.

But, if I was at a friend's house, and someone needed me to move my car so they could get out, I would probably sit in the street (unless I thought that made me more vulnerable to traffic in the street in the fog, sitting idling there). But being that her job is to watch your kids, she was probably thinking about getting back inside, I would think.

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answers from Honolulu on

Well we have a driveway like that.
And anytime cars have to move around, be it our family or guests... then the guests, have always just pulled into the street with lots of distance from the driveway, THEN let the person reverse out of the garage and leave, THEN they either... just stay parked on the side of the street or, they drive back into the driveway on the other side.
BUT, we also, make sure with the other person moving their car... that WE tell them "wait until I fully reverse before pulling back into our driveway." Or, we simply ASK them, WHERE they are going to park their car... after I or we, reverse out.
We ALWAYS clarify, with that other person, about WHERE they are reversing to... and that they wait until we completely pull out of our driveway and leave.
Because the point is, you can never... just assume that the other person is going to drive/reverse or park their car, like you assume. So you need to tell them, or ask them, about it.

Also, you were already IN your garage about to leave... when the Nanny pulled up into your driveway. And it was pea soup foggy. But I would think, that as a regular person who comes to your house, she must know by know... that you typically leave in the morning, and on which side of the garage you park... and thus, she would then park her car on the other side of the driveway.
I mean, we have people who come over regularly, and THEY know that we park on the left side... thus, when they arrive to our house, they park on the RIGHT side of our driveway. Or we tell them.

Your Nanny pulled her car back into the driveway WHILE you were STILL reversing. And well, that is not real good common sense. Foggy or not.
She arrived to your house, while you were already... in the garage ready to leave. So don't know why she parked behind you, in the first place.
BUT... your vehicle has poor visibility since it is so high... you KNOW that. SO... you should have ALSO... looked around you real well... as you reversed. What if this was a store parking lot???? You would have hit another person's car. When a person has a high or big vehicle, they are responsible for looking out around their vehicle as they reverse... because, MOST other cars, are "low" cars, compared to those high trucks/vehicles.


answers from Las Vegas on

Never underestimate the stupidity of others. . . .. How did you bumping her car cause damages anyway? ... . And if was pulling up on you while you backed up... Is it not her fault?

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