Cps - Fair Oaks,CA

Updated on May 02, 2011
J.R. asks from Fair Oaks, CA
6 answers

So my ex husband called CPS on me, they came over and like a dummy I let them in and answered their ridiculous questions, I think she even tape recorded me without telling me, I didn't know until a few minutes ago I should have had her give me a warrant before I let her in. Anyway, it was all hear say on his part as to what he was accusing me of, they also interviewed my son, and I didn't know either that they needed to have a warrant for that as well. His dad must have coaxed him as to what to say, anyhow, she told me towards the end that he(my ex) was given papers to fill out to give to the courts to get temperary custody, I have yet to recieve any papers stating that. I was advised by her CPS lady not to attempt to get my son, this is a violation of my parental rights, I have full custody and he has visitation, he is blind, has seizures and does really stupid things like make my son walk 4 miles just to get a hamburger, I am extremely sickened over this, I need an attorney, but can't afford one and we all know public defenders don't do a darn thing to help...what should I do?, the CPS lady even told me he (my son) does not want to live with his dad. Can they put him in protectve custody over hear say? what are my rights here, what would you do?, my son has a heart condition, that I even think his dad has forgot about, PLEASE HELP ME!

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So What Happened?

so there was an exparte hearing yesterday and I went, didn't get to even state my case, they awarded my ex with temporary custody, we have mediation mid April, it says I need to have "supervised" visits, but didn't state any days, times, who IS the supervisor ETC...everything that he stated was completely all LIES! including he says I changed my son's school without asking him, well my son has been in the same school since he was 5 he is 10 now! also in almost every paragraph he speaks something about money RE SSDI, in one of the sentences he says my older son lives with me and I use the money to support him! My son does not live with us, he will visit occasionally on a weekend! I am so upset, how can they do this without hearing my side, it is so unfair!

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answers from New York on

You lost me "I was advised by her CPS lady not to attempt to get my son". Did CPS take your son? Where is your son now?

You probably did do the right thing by allowing them into your home. It shows that you have nothing to hide and that you're willing to cooperate with them.

I really don't understand what your asking. My only advise would be to document everything. When and IF you get served with any type of papers, at that point I would contact an attorney, even if it's a public defender.

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answers from Boston on

Well here in MA if you don't let them in they return with police because the must interview the child at home. Makes you look really bad itpf you don't let them in. What were they there for? How o you know dad called? It's anonymous here. Where is your son now?
You need a lawyer even if it means getting a loan from the bank. I don't think you can get a public defender unless you are facing criminal charges.

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answers from Cleveland on

Just remember, you NEED to cooperate with CPS. The lady who came to your house was just doing her job. She has to come over and investigate the allegations that are reported. You did the right thing by letting her in. If you hadn't, she would have come back with the police, and a warrant, and it would make you look like you have something to hide. CPS isn't about taking kids away from their parents unless it's necessary. They need to do their investigation to make sure that your son is safe and loved and cared for where he is. Just because they came over and investigated, doesn't mean you will lose your son.
I am a foster parent, and I see and hear stories like yours quite a lot. You just need to remember to be respectful, do what they tell you to do, and let them see that you are a good mom.
Good luck to you!

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answers from Lincoln on

Check to see if there is any legal services through a college around there. I'm not sure if Legal Aid is the same as a public defender. But something else to maybe check into. I would definitely be reporting any of your concerns too! I'm so sorry you and your son are going through this! I can't even begin to imagine and wish I had more help to offer!


answers from Las Vegas on

If your ex is going to lie then tell them the truth on your side... about the 4 mile burger and his heart condition that dear old dad forgets.... Is your son or ex blind and has seizures? If the ex is, he is unfit. If your son is, your ex is still unfit unless he has proper training on it or has been around it like you have. Can you see if you qualify for a loan from a bank? I'm not trying to push you into debt lol but the loan is worth your son if you can get it for a lawyer, or have a payment plan.....? I think it is absurd to take him on here say... they have to PROVE it. What did your son say to them? Did they even take in consideration that your SON does NOT want to live there with the dad? What a jackass the dad is!!!



answers from Portland on

Just to clear up one thing. CPS did not need to get a warrant. If you'd refused to talk with them without a warrant they could have taken your son into custody based on the fact of their not being able to determine if he's in danger or not. Whether or not they took him would depend on the seriousness of the accusations. It's always best to co-operate with CPS. They are the ones who determine where your child will live. The court decides but without sufficient proof to negate CPS's recommendation the court follows their recommendation.

Also, I've known many Public Defenders who are very helpful. They are Public Defenders because they care about people getting honest representation.

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